CHAPTER 30: Too Late Part 2

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I went back to Tem's dorm and sat on the sofa for a while. I am not in the mood to
watch football or continue to support Jom. Vegas wasn't in the best of mood as well
so he just dropped me down the garage and left right away. He didn't bother me
anymore and I was thankful for it.
I sat in silence on the couch while gently massaging my aching temples. In the dark,
I let all my leftover emotions flow and didn't even bother to open the lights.
Silence was Kinn's answer. Right, what did I expect? I am just a no-one compared to
his past lovers. I do not need to immerse myself in this stupidity anymore. The way I
exploded and let out my emotions earlier was liberating and somehow I felt relieved.
Those tears that made me look weak would be the last time to flow. There would be
no more after this.
I drained everything from my already swollen eyes, as if it could wash away the pain
in my heart. I felt something inside me unlocked. I don't have to worry about anything
anymore. My questions have been answered and it was as if the last line of my
patience had been broken.
Humans are weak. They are utterly stupid to let themselves experience pain before
being enlightened. And now I am one of those weak humans. Why do I have to wait
until I am completely broken? Why did I let Kinn treat me this way?
That's enough! This is enough!
With everything that has happened that led me to this craziness for a while, I learned
my lesson. I'm not going to let my emotions lead me into a hell hole like this again.
Enough of the fuck!
Wherever you go, whatever happens to you and even if you die of stupidity, I won't
even lift a finger! I will just think that in my past life, I have done bad merit and made
food for the pigs and dogs instead.
Ring.. Ring..
My sentiments got distracted by the sudden ringing of the phone.
I picked it up and frowned as it was an unfamiliar number. I answered the call in
silence. Thinking that this might be a scammer, because no one usually calls me that
[Damn Porsche! Where are you?]
The sound of the little ding dong bastard's voice immediately made me flinch as he
shouted from the other line that I have to put the phone away from my ears.
I didn't answer.
[Do you know how drunk my brother is? Just now, Big almost had Kinn as a
snack! He was...]
He sounded horrified but it just piqued my irritation.
"And what does that have to do with me?!"
Khun has been speaking non-stop but he suddenly stopped when I shouted through
the phone. This is just so annoying! Kinn's whereabouts do not affect me anymore.
Did he just call me to tend to his drunk brother?
[Nong Porsche, I am your Boss!]
"So? I am resigning. Stop calling me now!"
[What are you so angry about? Let's talk about this. Aren't you worried about
your husband?
"You bastard! Do you want to keep your mouth open and be able to eat? Or do
you want me to shut them up for good?"
The pronoun that he used to mention Kinn made me feel embarrassed and irritated.
Husband? What do you mean husband?!
[Damn Porsche! I am in your team or else I would've let Big do Kinn.
#teamPorsche remember?]
The bastard on the other line yelled. It made me realize how my body is shaking in
anger right now.
"Is that the only reason why you called me? Why don't you go and let him fuck
with your dogs?!"
I hung up the phone without listening to the bastard's uproar anymore. I told myself
that he is nothing to me now. It hurt until I felt completely numb and there was
nothing left to feel.
A person like Kinn was beyond expectation. Making me fall for him but too gutless to
admit his doing. I felt betrayed as a hefty amount of tears continued to fall from my
eyes. I really felt the loss in my heart, but why? I have been sad for someone before
but not like this. And the audacity of that man to come home after our argument then
go for Big? Should I value such a man? Is he worth it?
It's over idiot! Enough!
Just thinking about it makes me feel nauseous.
I washed my face, washed my eyes, took a shower, and let the water cleanse
everything out of my body. This will be the last day that I will think about him. After
this day, this pathetic Porsche won't be here anymore. He will die and I will bury him
into the deepest part of my heart where he won't be able to wake up anymore
including that stupid feeling called love.
"Well, what?"
I lousily replied to Tem's frantic call.
"Are you okay?"
He squinted his eyes at me thoughtfully.
"I'm fine."
I said as I continued to play the game on my phone.
"Huh, I hope that's true."
"Yes! Why won't I be fine? Anyway, where are we going after school?"
I asked them to invite me and find something to eat.
"That's strange, usually after school, you would go and straightly ditch us."
Said Jom.
"I'm free today."
I just shrugged my shoulders. They know nothing about the incident between me and
Kinn yesterday and I don't have any plans of telling them about it.
"So what are you going to do next? Where are you going?"
Tem asked worriedly.
"The day after tomorrow, I will file my resignation and pack my stuff. Ai Pol got
my back."
I said with a look of embarrassment. If I resign now, I know I will need to pay the
release fee for sure so I tried to borrow money from my friends. I hope Khun Korn
won't give me a hard time.
"Isn't he asking you? Why didn't you go home?"
"Who? If Che asks, I said that I have a lot to do at school. If Ai Pol or Pete calls,
I hang up on them."
I know that Tem means Kinn but I just shrugged it away.
"This time it's for real, right?"
"I'm serious every time, damn it! Whoever intervenes with me this time will
receive a good beating!"
I said darkly. If one of Khun Korn or Khun Chan stopped me, I would really go on a
rampage and no one could stop me. Yes, I was afraid that if I saw Kinn, I could kill
him so I was waiting to calm myself for a bit.
"Okay, when are you going? Tell me so that I can help you carry your stuff."
Tem's face isn't very confident. Once I quit, it only means that I will be living in our
house again. I only hope that no one will try to shoot me this time.
This time, I might catch that fucking culprit and wring his neck for ruining my life. And
after that, I will ask Jaye if she can get me back to my old job.
Jaye must have already forgiven me for having ruined the shop multiple times.
"Let's go get something to eat."
I nodded in agreement with Jom. The three of us walk towards the bastard's car. I
feel much better today than yesterday. It's unbelievable that having such an
explosion with Kinn would make me feel so good. I try to think much less about it, so
much less from the day before and it is almost nonexistent in my head. Unless there
is something to poke it like...
"Hello Porsche, you finished your classes early. I'm glad I got here ahead of
Suddenly, a familiar figure walks towards us. I immediately turned around and found
him standing before me.
"Do you know him?"
Tem asks softly.
"What's up Tawan? Is there something wrong?"
I greet him calmly.
"Yes, Porsche, do you have a moment? Tawan has something to talk to you
He replies smiling.
"Who are you?"
Jom asks.
"Kinn's ex-boyfriend."
He said as I turned around to tell my friends that I was rather shocked at what he did.
"Whatever you say."
I murmur in annoyance.
"Ugh, it's inconvenient here. Well, I guess Porsche and his friends are hungry?
Shall we get something to eat then?"
Though his tone is calm and his face is smiling, his eyes gaze at me as if he is going
to drain my blood.
"That’s a waste of time, just say it here."
I sigh in irritation. Isn't he tired of faking a friendly face like that? And what's with the
sweet talk?
"Oh, well the thing is I plan to have a feast all by myself. Don't deny the
kindness of Tawan, Kinn once said that Porsche likes free stuff. Who cares
anyway? He's gone, Vegas, Kinn.. Who else?"
I can't keep my calm anymore. His tail appears just as quickly. People like this idiot
will always come looking for something obvious.
"Shut it. Just tell me what you want. I am no longer related to Kinn and if that's
what you came here for, you're wasting your time."
I frown at the behavior that he showed just now. He's like a villain in a period drama.
This idiot must be crazy! Well, I don't give a fuck.
"But Tawan wants everything settled. Can't we talk for a while? If Kinn still
seeks for Porsche like this, Tawan won't be comfortable at all."
Tawan says darkly. His face turns pale and his body tenses. His eyes lookserious
but he doesn't dare look directly at me.
"Go tell Kinn to stop messing with me, that's all!"
I was about to walk to Tem's car when...
"Why? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of Tawan? Tawan didn't do
anything. I just want to make sure that everything between you is really over.
Or are you waiting for Kinn to reconcile with you again?"
I began to fuss inside and the irritation became unbearable. He must have been
spoiled from childhood that he's used to getting whatever he wants just like Kinn.
No different from that bastard Kinn.
"Okay! I am going, but when we are done, don't mess with my life again! I'm
warning you."
I point at him dangerously. But Tawan only smiles in satisfaction.
"It will be over quickly for sure. It's not going to take long."
Okay, maybe if I give in this one time, he won't bother me again so I agreed to talk to
him for a while. Because by the looks of it, any defiance will only cause him to push
the issue further.
I asked Tem to drive along with him. Initially, the idiot asked me to ride with him but
my two friends denied that I go with him. Anyone would say that we just had a
normal conversation because of his smiling face all this time but my friends won't buy
"From which drama Kinn went to dig his ex? His speech is rotten..Tawan
wants this, Tawan is not like that.. Huh! The fuck is wrong with his tongue?"
Tem groaned, shaking his head.
"And he looked like a young lady. Too much excess fats! And look at his
stingy eyesI You would want to take off your boots and slap them off!"
Jom said, groaning.
"Yeah, but you guys don't have to say anything. Just sit there quietly. Damn it!
I have to deal with this shit again!"
I grunted, telling my friends that they don't have to help me at all. I got this.
"It will hurt for sure, but this will set you free. Once will be enough."
Tem said, narrowing his eyes with me.
"Whatever! I'm not hurt, I'm annoyed!"
I mean honestly, what’s this shit?! Why does he have to follow me and talk to me like
this? If my work with Kinn doesn't end soon, I wonder whose fucker would show up
next. Marsh? Or that bastard Big?!!
When the car halted, we arrived at Bang Aor. The same Japanese restaurant that
Kinn brought me to. I know why he chose this place specifically, and I am not stupid
not to know.
"Order whatever you want Porche. You're welcome to pick anything."
Tawan handed the menu to me and my friends. But the three of us sat still and only
ordered some water to drink.
"Get straight to the point, what do you want?"
I said bluntly. I want everything to end quickly. Sitting inside this place brings
unnecessary memories and it stings my eye.
"So impatient. Then, if no one wants to order, it's a bit of luck I ordered in
advance just in case. The food here is delicious. Did Kinn bring Porsche here
Tawan said brightly.
I just sat there with my arms crossed along my chest, looking at him in awe.
Seriously? What's with his fake attitude? What's there to be jolly about?
"You must have been. Mek told me that he met Kinn and Porsche here. What
did you like to eat then?"
"Permission to serve."
The Uni plates are lined up on the table. I look down at the plates before I turn my
gaze away. Although it doesn't affect me that much, looking at the dishes brings
back the memory of Kinn and the idea of them both dining here together makes my
head spin.
I am not hurt! Whatever!
"This is Tawan's favorite. Does Porsche like it or not? Tawan ordered this just
in case."
I turn around to look back at Tawan and his fake face. He piqued my interest as soon
as he said that the sea urchin is his favorite. I remembered Kinn getting unsettled
every time I eat the sea urchin, it actually reminds him of his ex.
Huh, that's why!
"You can eat it too. We have the same taste anyway."
(A/N: The same taste? as in Kinn?)
"This bastard is like a lost doll. He's insane, what do you say?"
Jom says, turning to me with a smile.
I am not sure why he invited me here. To eat or to annoy me? Does he really want to
talk about the past and insult me or is he really hungry? He ordered a lot of food,
plates were scattered on the table and he started to dig into the food, uncaring for
the people sitting with him.
"The salad here is delicious, try it."
"He looks like a fucking beggar. What a bastard."
Tem whispers at me.
"You really don't want to eat? If you wait till I finish, there will only be leftovers.
Or, do you like leftovers?"
I smirk at his childish attitude. He does want to annoy me and win this emotional
battle, but I'm sorry to disappoint, I don't feel anything. The three of us think that he's
crazy and pathetic.
"Whatever you want to talk about, I think you are wasting your time. You can
drop the topic about Kinn now. I am not stupid."
I said in frustration. Tawan puts down his chopsticks and looks at me in dissatisfaction.
"I came to talk peacefully but I didn't think that the person Kinn liked would be
so rude."
"Get it over with."
I murmur with annoyance lacing my tongue.
"Tawan just wanted to tell Porsche that no matter how hard you try, Kinn
would never get serious."
"And so what? The hell do I care?"
"Both your status and the society you belong to are different. Kinn is not an
ordinary person. In the future, he will take over his father. Does Porsche think
you can stand beside Kinn?"
His cynical gaze stabs at me like a knife.
"Is that all? What, is he an angel? That cannot be reached?"
I said out of nowhere.
"Porsche, Tawan means well. Kinn has a good reputation in society. But what
about you, Porsche? When you go out in public, don't you think Kinn will be
"In case you don't know yet, Kinn and I have nothing to do with each other.
And it's never been like that. You take time to talk dirty to me, but you have no
idea who he is screwing right now. It could be Marsh, A rising star, or it could
be Nong Phim, a magazine cover model... or would it be.."
I made a thoughtful stance as I put my fingers down my chin. Hoping to annoy the
bastard in front of me.
"Porsche! Tawan knows what I am doing. If you don't want to get hurt and
regret it later, get out of Kinns life!"
"I have no plan of going in any way! I quit already, and even if you don't tell me
to, I am going to leave."
"But even if my friend gets out of Kinn's life, don't think that he will be
interested in you. I think that won't happen. Only Kinn can decide about this."
Jom said that I looked at him with furrowed brows. I don't want my friends to get
involved in this problem. Furthermore, I don't want to appear that the three of us are
ganging against a single person.
"If you decide to leave the mansion, that's better then. Don't ever change your
mind or else...Tawan won't stop here."
He said angrily. I feel like I am stuck in this messy situation because of that bastard
Kinn. People who know nothing about the real situation would always think of the
stupid possibility. If I have to guess, Kinn won't care about this as well so he (Tawan)
kept trying to get rid of the people around Kinn. And if ever I will be offered the same
spot in his life again, I won't take it.
"Well, if my friend stops here, but Kinn keeps on pursuing him, what then?"
Tem asked.
Suddenly, silence overtook the entire table. Tawan seemed perplexed for a while
until he smiled cunningly.
"Porsche's brother, Porsche'. How is he?"
Anger immediately raged through my head. I stood up from my chair and leaned in to
grab his collar so hard that Jom and Tem had to rush to pull my arm.
The audacity of this shrimp!
"Get out of Kinn's life. And don't get involved with him ever again!"
Tawan stared back at me without even a hint of fear.
"I'm out! I won't mind going back and meddling with your kind again but if you
ever as much as touch my brother, I swear I will fucking kill you!"
I gritted my teeth before pushing him away harshly.
"Do as I say!"
Tawan said loudly behind me as I and my friends walked out of the shop.
"He's crazy. He's like a desperate mad dog who doesn't know what to do
anymore to get Kinn so he came to threaten you."
As soon as I got in the car, Tem immediately said to comfort me.
"Look how he bothers you. Damn Kinn for having a crazy drama queen ex."
Jom said angrily.
"Tem, bring me to that mansion. I will be moving out today."
I told him to drive towards Kinn's house immediately. I am not afraid of Tawan's
threat but I'm tired of dealing with this kind of shits. The conversation earlier was
nonsense. It only added to my stress with the fucking Kinn.
Even if I walk out of Kinn's life and he happens not to want Tawan back anymore, is
that my fault? Is he fucking crazy? But let's just say that I want to end everything as
quickly as possible. I don't want to carry these problems and mess in my life
I went to tell the guard to open the gates so that Tem could drive into the house. I
told my friends to wait for me in the car.
Damn, this is Déjà vu!
This is the same situation when I decided to quit the first time. I walk slowly into the
house, not paying attention to everyone's eyes that is on me. As soon as my feet
step in front of Khun Korn's room, Khun Chan walks out. I waii’ed at him in respect.
"Porsche, you have been missing, I'm glad you're back. Do you have
something to talk about?"
Khun Chan's expression is extremely tense.
I nodded and said what I came here for.
"I have something to talk about as well."
"Now that you are here, I will call for you after a few minutes so don't go
anywhere else for the time being."
I nodded in agreement and didn't say anything more before heading towards my
"Bastard, pack your things. We are going home."
I said to my brother who is reading a manga on the bed. He turns to look at me in
confusion. But I don't explain any further. I go straight to pick up my bag and shove
in everything carelessly.
"What is happening?"
My brother asks in confusion.
"We are going home!"
I said sternly.
"What's going on right now? Hey, tell me before anything else."
Che' walks closer to me. He looks alternately at me and the bag of clothes that are
currently being shoved like a garbage bag.
"How? Why are we going home? I don't understand!"
"Who said you can leave?"
A voice suddenly catches our attention as a figure swings open the door. The sound
of it makes me fume in anger.
"What are you talking about?"
I immediately responded. I pack my clothes faster than before. I want to get out of
here as fast as possible or else, I could murder someone.
"Che' could you leave us first?"
Che ' looked at me and Kinn before heaving a sigh and hurriedly went out of the
"What rights do you have to stop me? Huh?"
I asked rashly and turned to face Kinn directly. I don't want to look at him. The more I
see him, the more difficult it is for me to control my emotions. His reddened eyes that
are on the verge of crying make me feel things I have sworn not to feel again.
"Porsche, where are you going?"
Kinn said gently. Too gentle for me to hold the anger that has been stirring in my
chest. That gloomy look on his face makes me want to slap him and tell him to stop
looking at me because I might falter. He took a step towards me.
"Why did you come in? Get out!"
To my annoyance, I threw the bag hastily into his face.
That damn face! I don't want to ever see it again!
"Ouch! Porsche, do you have to act like this?"
Kinn cursed softly. I know that he was hurt but he stayed still.
"Oh, why? Did that hurt? Get out of here then!"
I said firmly. My eyes were blazing with fury, I wanted him to know that I am not the
same person I was yesterday. I'm not a weakling to let him ruin my resolve and I am
not here to let my emotions get the best out of me.
"Would you please listen to me first? Listen to me.."
Kinn stepped up to me once again, grabbing my arms and pulling me into his chest,
hugging me tightly.
"Release me! Damn you, Kinn, let me go!"
I struggled as hard as I could, but he forced his way with me and held me back with
all his strength. No matter how much effort I made, I just couldn't get out of his
"I am not bored of you Porsche. I am stupid. I was confused with my feelings,
I'm sorry."
He said softly near my ear. His voice was trembling as he strained from holding my
squirming body.
I am taken aback for a while. The words that I longed to hear yesterday are here,
being said to me in the softest voice he could muster.
I should be happy and ecstatic about it. But it only infuriates me even more.
What the hell is this bastard saying?
"Release me!"
This bastard is looking down on me! He thinks I am easy!
"I'm sorry.. listen to me... I admit I was wrong."
He thinks just because he said sorry I would forgive him and get back
toge— no! We are not together! Never been and will never be!
"Admit what? I've had enough. Idiot! I can't stay here anymore!"
I struggled as hard as I could. I need to get out of his arms before my willpower
crumbles down. These arms that I have longed to hold days ago, the warmth that I
yearn for every night for the past week, and the smell that my nose has been looking
for is here in front of me but I hate it all just the same.
The time for forgiving and explanation has passed. I won't believe any words that
Kinn would say anymore. I had enough.
"Porsche, I'm sorry.. I'm begging."
Beg your balls! I won't fall for it!
I gathered all my strength and shoved him away, yanking at his collarbone as I
pushed him against the wall.
"Porsche, you have to listen to me."
Kinn said, his voice trembling. I press him against the wall with my two hands and
hold on to his collar tightly.
"No! You listen to me, Kinn! What else do I have to hear?! I have had enough,
Kinn. I'm sick of this situation! I don't want to get involved with you anymore!
Why would you care about me? Huh?!"
I slammed him against the wall once again in anger.
"What more do you want from me? Why do you want me to stay? Are you
lonely? Don't you have your boy toys anymore? Did you get tired of them as
well? Why are you bothering me like this?!"
I yelled in rage.
How does he see me? Do I really look weak and easy in his eyes? I already told
myself that I won't get affected by him anymore, but he keeps on tormenting me in
ways I couldn't take control of myself. How am I supposed to move on from this?
"It's not like that.. I'm sorry."
"Stop messing with my life! And tell your ex to stop harassing me! Because
you and I have nothing to do with each other!!"
I burst out of control as I slammed him the third time as hard as I could. The hand
that holds the collar of his shirt begins to tremble.
"What did Tawan do?"
"He bothered me at school just to show me your favorite restaurant! He
irritates me to the bones and please do tell him, if he touches even the tip of
my brother's nail, I will definitely kill him!"
"Porsche, but Tawan and I—"
Knock knock
Kinn didn't have the opportunity to finish his sentence when a knock on the door
"Porsche, you have been called."
Khun Chan's voice from outside stopped us. I let go of his shirt forcefully before
taking a deep breath. I need to calm myself before facing Khun Korn.
I glance at him who looks impeccably pale before I walk out of the room.
"Hey. It's been a long time, what's going on?"
As soon as Khun Korn saw me enter the room, he greeted me calmly. He put down
his pen and looked at me thoughtfully.
The sound of the door opening startled us all as Kinn walked in looking just as tense
as me and stood behind.
"Kinn, what's going on?"
Khun Korn turns his confused gaze to his son.
"Dad, why did you call for Porsche?"
Kinn asked sternly.
"Alright, let's get into it. Are you aware that you are very close to Vegas
Khun Korn asked directly to the point that I furrow my brows in confusion.
Wait, what?
Was he talking about my intimacy with Vegas?
"I honestly ask because I believe you have nothing to do with it. But I want to
be sure and want to hear it directly from your mouth."
Khun Korn shows a troubled expression on his face. His eyes look as if he is
expecting some answer from me.
"What happened?"
"I don't usually sit and do things like this to ask my people but I have already
said before that I treat you as my child. Like a son. I will ask you again. If you
do it, I will accept it then we will talk about the reasons after but if not, I am
ready to believe you."
Khun Korn and Khun Chan's eyes are on me. I felt all the heavy pressure until I turn
around to look at Kinn. His face was solemn and dark with dissatisfaction.
"Yeah, what's going on?"
I furrow my brows. The air around me becomes extremely uncomfortable.
"Did you have any involvement with the missing documents of the company?"
I am stunned for a moment because I'm quite confused about what he is asking me.
Missing important documents?
"There has been a series of missing documents from the company and then
the competitors have all the information so I wonder—"
"So, you are suspecting me."
I said quickly, cutting Khun Korn's words. Whatever bad things happen in this house,
it's always connected with me, right?
I look back at him seriously. Just because I seem to get close with Vegas, do they
have the right to think of me that way? I won't do such a dirty thing!
"Um, tell me it's not you and I will believe it."
What trust have I gained from these people? Who said that you see me as your son?
If that is the case, why think ill of me? Don't you know me at all? Did my attitude
show that I could do something like that? But he has the right to doubt anyone just
that, I am the main suspect.
Huh, son my foot!
"If you think of me that way, so be it."
I said uncaringly.
"Porsche, why are you saying that?"
Kinn asked in disbelief.
"If I said I didn't do it, but remained close to Vegas, I would still look
suspicious and would seem like I am just making excuses. Let's just say that I
show my sincerity by resigning."
I said firmly.
"Porsche, calm down. The men are all summoned by Khun Korn to talk, not
just you."
Khun Chan stepped in quickly.
"Well, whether this happened or not, I am going to resign anyway."
"Porsche, don't do this."
Kinn said in a low voice, walking one step closer to me so I moved away.
"I told you that whatever happens, I would believe in you."
"I am resigning. Do I have to sign any documents? And oh, the fine will be
transferred to your account later."
I said heedlessly. The whole room is silent. Khun Korn and Khun Chan lookedat me
in dismay.
"If there's nothing else, I'm going. Thank you very much."
I raise my hand to pay respect to both elders before I turn around and walk out of the
room immediately.
I went back to my room. Seeing my brother tensely standing at the foot of the bed, I
bend down to grab my bag and stuff my clothes into it again. This time, I take out
what is necessary and discard everything I can buy again, and get myself out of here
as quickly as possible.
"Move! What are you waiting for?"
"What about you? I always follow what you want me to do. When you say go, I
go. We are in this house because of you too. Why don't you give me a
reasonable explanation this time?"
"Let's talk at home!"
I pull his arm and lead him out of the house. Kinn, who had just walked out of Khun
Korn's room, rushed towards me.
I hurriedly throw my bag at Jom and is about to open the door on the passenger's
side and stuff myself inside when Kinn quickly grabs my arm.
"Porsche, let's talk first."
"I don't need to talk!"
I waved my arm vigorously.
The surrounding bodyguards began to panic.
"Don't be selfish, Porsche. Listen to me first."
Kinn tried to hold me, ignoring those eyes on us.
"What do you want? Stop messing with me!"
"About the documents, I don't suspect you with it. Porsche, can we go back
and talk about this?"
"Oh! And people like you believed me? What did I say? Is there a time when
you believed me? Let me go!"
From the first day until today, is there a thing that you choose to listen to me first? In
your mind, I know you think no different from your father or Khun Chan.
"I won't let you go back to your home!"
"Watch me, Kinn!"
I flicked his arm away in anger before slamming my hard fist into his face.
With all the pent-up anger that has been settled inside my chest, I punch Kinn so that
he staggers and then fall on the ground. I grit my teeth as I look down on him.
"What the hell are you doing, Porsche?!"
Big hurriedly runs toward us and points his gun at my face.
"Ohoi, go ahead if you dare!"
I walk one step towards the tip of the barrel. Now I am so enraged that I cannot
control myself anymore. With Tawan insulting and threatening me, seeing Kinns
fucking face, and being a suspect for god knows what, I am at my limit!
Why is it all about me?!
"What's going on?!"
Kim, who had just driven in, parks the car and hurriedly runs to see the situation.
"Big! Damn it, stop it!"
Kinn yelled loudly at Big who didn't seem to listen. He is still pointing his gun at my
face and aiming to shoot me.
"Khun Big! What are you doing to my brother!"
Che gets out of the car, walks straight to Big, tackles his hand vigorously until the
gun falls to the ground.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Big pushes Che's chest until my brother hits the hood of the car hard. I stare at him
in disbelief, my hand begins to tremble in anger that I almost jump into him to break
his neck. But Jom and Tem hurriedly pulled me back.
"What the fuck did you do Big?!"
Kim yells back and steps in instead of me. He pushes Big's chest in full force until
the latter falls to the ground.
"Porsche! Are you hurt?"
Kinn walked up to me and took advantage of my short disorientation to hold me into
his arms.
"I'm fine, but my younger brother is not. I'm going to kill you!"
I wave my hand and push Kinn once again. Now my attention is back to the situation
where Kim is straddling Big's body and throwing fists in the latter's face multiple
"Kim! That's enough!"
Che walks over to hold Kim's waist from behind until he stops throwing punches at
Big's already bloody face.
"That's weird."
Kinn murmurs in a low voice.
"That's weird."
Jom also mumbles as he looks at the scene in front of him in amazement.
I don't want to think too much but is that right?
Kim turns around and hugs Che tightly. I started to take deep breaths. I am not liking
what I am seeing. I hurriedly snatch Che's wrists away from Kim.
"Get in the car."
"Where are you going?"
Kim asks in confusion, looking at my brother incredulously.
"Come on Porsche, let's have a good talk please?"
"Let's go."
I manage to push Che inside the backseat of the car and turn to open the front seat.
I push Kinn's chest out of the way before getting myself in successfully. I immediately
told Tem to drive away.
This is crazy! What the heck just happened?!
"Oh my god, this house is crazy!"
Tem said as he looked at the rearview mirror.
"Why didn't you talk with Khun Kinn first?"
Che yelled as he sat in the backseat frowning.
"And why are you siding with Kinn? Is it because of your friend?"
I huff in annoyance and he doesn't say any more words.
"Looks like it's deeper than that."
Jom murmurs but I heard it. So what I've seen today is not a nightmare? Is it the year
of the bad omen for me? I think I have to go to the temple, make merit and clean the
nine temples to let everything go and clean my soul.
But why do my senses tell me that this is not yet the end?

My Problematic Bodyguard (BOOK 1) Where stories live. Discover now