A Ghost.

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"Could you stop the car at the next bus sign? I would like to walk from there."

I look at the driver, who takes a glance over to Dean. Before nodding.

Stopping at the sign I step out of the vehicle ensuring the two that I am only stepping out here because I do not want my friend to ask me a great deal of questions for being gone and then showing up with two guys beside me. They agree to let me go but makes sure to remind me what will happen if I do not show up where I am supposed to.

Waiting at the sign as they drive away, I see the bus my best friend always comes with. Ah finally someone sane I can talk to! I take a couple of steps backwards as I watch every person stepping out. "Alice!" I scream at her. She looks over at me with shocked eyes. "You must be a ghost cause you look just like my bestie, but she hasn't answered me in days so I'm quite sure she's dead." She gives me a shallow stare before running up to me. "Haven't you always wanted a ghost as a friend?" I say smiling.

"Touché" she answers before giving me a hug. "Where have you been all this time, and why haven't you answered my calls?".

"The most messed up thing happened to me. I was at practice as usual and when I went to pick up my knives from the throwing targets, I accidently put my phone on the benches next to them. As soon as I got back to the throwing point, some idiot threw his knife towards my target and missed so it dropped head pointing down in my phone. Can you imagine how hard it was for me not throwing my knife at him?". I hate lying to her.

"Idiot." She laughs. "Anyways, have you heard about the latest gossip?"

I look at her with a pretend annoyed glance.

"Oh, that's right, you died and came back." She smirks. "Apparently two new guys have transferred to our school, and I've heard their hot!"

And so, it has begun.

While walking to our classroom, I listen to Alice talking about how excited she is to see the newbies, wondering if they are as good looking as the other classmates have told her, and how much she is hoping that they have been assigned to our class. And as we enter the classroom her wish comes true. The first thing my eyes spot is my fellow classmates sitting on their desks, all facing the mid row at the back of the class. And surprise me not, that's where Dean and Nate are sitting, both with huge grins on their faces when they watch me walk in.

"Take your seats everyone". Mr. Harrison says as he starts writing on the board.

I walk over to my seat, which is located closest to the windows, all the way at the back of the room, while Alice takes her seat in front of me. She turns her head and whispers about how they are even better looking than what she had imagined. This is going to be a long day.

After what felt like hours of Alice drooling after the newbies, Mr. Harrison teaching, and glances between me and the brothers, the class is finally finished, and I am ready to head for lunch. "Should I ask if they would like to join us for lunch?" Alice looks at me with sparkling eyes. Why did she have to be so excited? I tiredly give her a nod, and she walks over to them.

"Hi! My name is Alice"

"Nice to meet you, Alice" Nate smiles.

"I was wondering if you wanted to join me and my friend for lunch. We know about all the best places to eat where you're not surrounded by new students every second."

All three of them turns my way and I put on a pretend smile.

"Sounds good" Dean answers.

Alice waves me over and I join them on a walk to one of our hidden spots, under the big tree just across the street from our school.

"So, why did you transfer to Warily high?"

"We recently moved here, and this school seemed interesting enough for us."

"Now that's a word I haven't heard describing Warily before" Alice laughs.

Minding my own business, I eat the pancakes Dean bought us earlier and zone out, watching as the trees slowly sway with the wind, forgetting all about the so called first conversation with the newbies.

"Doesn't that sound good?" A swift shift back to reality hits when Alice bumps into my shoulder asking me a question I honestly did not catch. "Yeah, sure" I say as a reflex, while slowly dozing back.

"Great!" Nate says with a sly smile, looking straight at me.

"Wait, what?"

Alice lets out one of her cute giggles she always gets whenever I drift off and says or does something stupid. "I asked if they wanted to come study with us tomorrow after class" She smiles at me. "And since you've already agreed on it, you can't back out now." ..Using me zoning out like that. You should be ashamed Alice.

"I guess I have to come too then." I smile back at her, with a glint in my eye telling her I will make her pay for tricking me like that.

"Good" She winks at me.

Looking forward to letting my kidnappers get to know my one and only best friend. If they try to lay even one finger at her, I will not hesitate on getting my revenge.

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