The Blood Moon

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Thinking about the study session we are supposed to do with Alice after school gives me a headache. I really need to stop zoning out mid-conversations. Or this will just keep happening.

"Something on your mind?" Dean looks at me.

"No, nothing in particular." I return to my thinking.

"You sure?" Nate joins in.

"Yes I am sure. Jeez."

"Then why are you still in the car? The bus is almost here." Dean says pointing to the bus stop. "I thought you wanted to keep the fact that you're living with us a secret?" He chuckles.

"Shit shit shit shit shit!!!" I grab my berries and storm out the car over to the bus stop while Paul starts the car and drives the others to the school. I can't have her knowing I'm living with them. She will start asking awkward questions she really does not want the answers to. I can't exactly tell her I have been kidnapped now can I.

"Good morniiing ghostie" Alice looks at me with a grin as she steps out of the bus.

"Is this my new nickname now? Ghostie?"

She nods at me before continuing: Ready for our little study session later?

"Do I really have to come to this thing?" I pout.

"Yes, you do. You know how awkward it will get if I sit with them alone."

"Fine." I sight as we walk towards the school.

"Want one?" I pick up a berry and waves it in front of her face. She opens her mouth and bite down on it. "I meant the berry, not my hand." I tease.

"I mEaNt ThE BeRrY NoT My HaNd" she repeats.

Walking into the classroom we sit down at our usual spots, Nate and Dean are already at their seats. "Should I wave?" Alice asks with a glint in her eye. I smile at her "Why not." We look over to them and Alice waves. Oh Alice.. if you only knew who you are waving to.


"Y/L/n, could I have a word with you?" Mr. Harrison asks as the class bell rings. "Okay" I give Alice a small nod, letting her know to wait outside.

"What is going on?" I ask

"I was just wondering if you have heard about the upcoming blood moon?"

"Of course I have!" I answer excited. The Blood moon will appear in a few days, and I am really looking forward to it.

"I thought you had, seeing that you have talked about how fascinated you are by the sky and the moon whenever you have snuck into the Astronomy class" He smiles before continuing. "The Astronomy class are going camping in the woods on the night that the blood moon rises, we are bringing telescopes and all necessary tools to get a closer look at it. Would you like to come with?"

"Yes!" I practically yell in responds, not thinking about the living situation I am in.

"Fantastic, I will make sure to let Mr. Xander know that you are coming along." He nods at me before getting back to the papers on his desk.

"Alice!" I almost jump into her when stepping out of the classroom.

"What?!" She responds matching my energic energy.

I swiftly look around us to make sure the guys aren't around and able to hear what I'm telling her. The coast is clear. "Mr. Harrison just invited me to join the Astronomy class on a trip to watch the blood moon!"

"For real?!"


"Ah I am so happy for you, I know you have been looking forward to this all year, and now you get to do it with professional equipment too" She smiles happily.

"I know!" 

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