Chap 3: Big Decisions

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Cassandra and Darron walked up the staircase and entered into a lit-up ballroom. The atmosphere was lively and upbeat. There were chandeliers lit up with candles, rows of tables with 5-star quality food, and calm, classical music playing in the background. Cassandra looked around and recognized most of the people here, they were all from the upper class and some of them were her father's close trustees. Everything here was the way it was before except for one thing. The pictures of her family. They were all taken down and replaced with her aunt's family. An anger boiled inside of her. How could they just erase all the memories? Did they not even have one ounce of sympathy? She was in the mood to punch something, destroy anything. She knew she had mood swings but this time she couldn't control her rage towards her aunt. Not after all these years. 

As Darron glimpsed at the party he felt Cassandra trembling. He had noticed that the pictures of her family were taken down but was sure that wouldn't normally upset Cassandra as much as it did. He never saw this side of Cassandra, except when he killed her favorite pony by accident. It was that accident that made him vow that he wouldn't make her mad ever again. Now it was happening again. Instinctively he squeezed her hand hoping it would make her realize where she was. Luckily for him, Cassandra stopped her trance and looked at Darron with a wistful expression. 

"Why don't we get something to eat," Darron said maneuvering through the crowd while holding onto Cassandra's hand. Darron smootly glided through the people dancing and brought Cassandra to the food. Whatever was bothering her, Darron wanted to hold it back till later.

"What would you like to eat?" Darron asked Cassandra.

"Whatever you get," Cassandra said. She didn't find any of these food appetizing. Normally she would, especially because she loved cooking, but after coming in her appetite was gone. All she wanted to do was be away from this party.

"Alright, can I get some of those rosemary scones, the lobster, and a tenderloin steak," Darron asked the server behind the table. After he got the food, Darron lead Cassandra to a secluded area.

"So I'm guessing the manor isn't yours anymore."

"No. I tried and fought for it but somehow all my pleas were rejected," Cassandra said with a sigh. She had tried for the two months after her parent's death but every attempt was always returned with a no. No doubt, her aunt had the advantage in this game.

"So where are you living now?" Darron placed the plate on a nearby table and stared at Cassandra with a serious face. Who would have thought that throughout the eight years he was gone, her situation would escalate so much. But what shocked him the most was the major switch from the smiling,carefree Cassandra to one that had a poker face and used fake smiles. He didn't like it. He wanted to destroy whatever had savaged her innocence.

"At Sarah's cottage," Cassandra answered monotonously. 

"Damn," Darron thought. They didn't even give her a small portion of land. Those bastards...

He was going to get back at her aunt. He would build back Cassandra's life. But for now, he knew she needed to be repaired. Slowly, he would bring back her smile. He would teach her the miracles of the world, bring her around the world, and do everything she enjoyed. Just anything that was away from this wrecked place.

"Come with me to New York," Darron said. This was what he wanted and it would be good for Cassandra. It would be her first stepping block away from this mess. He looked at her reaction and was faced with a confused face. But her eyes...they held a glint of hope.

"...New York?" Cassandra answered hesistantly.

"Yes, you'll come live with me. Start a new life there and not worry about the past. It's a wonderful idea. You won't have to face your aunt anymore and live regretting your current position. You'll be able to do things regardless of your status. You'll be free. Think about it," Darron said hyped up with each sentence he said. At the end he was holding tightly to both of Cassandra's hands and looking intently into her eyes hoping for a sign of acknowlegement. Instead, all he got were hunched up eyebrows.

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