Chap 2: At the Party

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Cassandra stepped out of the limo and looked up. There was the manor with all its grandeur: the rosebush gardens, the water-fountains, and the intricate lighting. It had been her parents before their death. Just a few weeks ago, she and her parents were the ones to live here. She had hoped that if there was one thing she could keep it would be this place with all its memories. However, that dream was shattered when she got a letter in the mail informing her to move out. Now all she had was Sarah and their small cottage. 

Cassandra started walking up the stone pavement to the manor, dreading each step she took. She didn't want to join the laughters she heard nor the talking she would have to face. Her mind was telling her to turn back and return to Sarah but her feet were stuck to the ground. She didn't want to see her aunt's prideful face and her uncle's sneers. She didn't want to have conversations where people asked if she was ok. She just wanted to run away from this mess. But where to? A tear slipped past her eyelids. And before she knew it tears started pouring after another. Cassandra dragged herself to a stone bench and sat there sniffling. Why did this have to happen to me? If it were for power I would gladly trade it to get my parents back, she thought. Cassandra felt hopeless for once. She had vowed to herself after the funeral that she wouldn't cry, but here she was weak, alone, and dejected.

"Cassie is that you?"

Cassandra lifted her tear-strewn face from her hands and saw a boy around 17 with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"Who are...Darron? That you?" Cassandra whimpered.

"It's been eight years, huh. And just like the first time we met, you're still crying."  

Cassandra reminiscened back to the time she met Darron. He was right, she had been crying when they met.


They were both in her graden at this manor. She was 7 years old at the time and was attempting to climb the apple tree in the orchard. Once she did get one though she couldn't get back down. She did try and her attempt however ended up with her scraped throughout her limbs on the ground. Luckily, for her Darron was passing by the garden.

"Um, excuse me, miss. You know the way outta here?" a 9 years old Darron said poking Cassandra with a stick.

"Ugh, please don't poke me with that. It hurts. Ima tell mommy," Cassandra whined and started sobbing.

"Tell me how to get outta here then I will."

"Help me up, first."

Darron pulled Cassandra up and suddenly his blue eyes widened

"You've got a cut. Oh my. Hurry we gotta call the doctor," Darron said while pulling on Cassandra's arm.

"BooHoo, it's just a cut. I'm not gonna die."

"Yes you can. You might get tetanus, then you'll have to-"

"What's tetas...?"

"C'mon, let's go. Lead the way."

"No my leg hurts."

"Why don't we play a game then?"

"Yay, games!"

"The first person to get to your house wins."

"Okay!" Cassandra said and started running full speed to her home.

Later on, once both of them reached Cassandra's home there were a few introductions between Darron and Cassandra's families. Darron's parents were a close friend to Cassandra's prents ever since high school years. It was decided that Darron's family would stay for a while and spend time with Cassandra's family. During that time, Darron and Cassandra became the best of friends. They would play with each other 24/7, go on mini adventures they made up, explore the rest of their houses, and pretend they were explorers. All the fun stopped after three years, when Darron's family had to go back to New York so that his father could expand the family's business.


Darron sat next to Cassandra and lifted her chin to look at him.

"What now, Cassie."

Cassandra looked at Darron and stared back at the ground.

"Darron, how much do you know?"

"I just came back this morning after I heard on the news about your aunt and uncle taking over Geofide," Darron answered with a puzzle face.

"So you don't know that my parents are dead," she said with a strained face.

"No...I didn't. Oh my, I'm terribly sorry. Who would've thought..." Darron stuttered and pulled me into a hug.

"It's alright Darron. I don't expect you to know everything that's happened in Geofide."

Darron forced Cassandra to look her in the eye and said, "No wonder you were crying. Cass, I know bout your aunt and her greedy ways. We'll get you of this mess...together."

Darron gave Cassandra a peck on the forehead and said, "But know let's go to the party. We don't want your aunt to think you chickened out."

"Ok," Cassandra said and smiled as she jumped up and linked arms with Darron.

Both of them walked on the stone pathway arm in arm, with the moonlight lighting there way to the manor.

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