culinary melt down pt 2. resolve. new friend???

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(Aaron t's pov)

I began packing my things. There was nothing we could do to prove my innocence so I had no choice but to leave.

Tae helped me pack though he was crying the whole time.

"What if my next roomate is a hobo or an actual druggy?"

"You'll be fine tae I promise". I said as I closed my suit case.

(Aaron z's pov)

I sat with the guys content with what we had accomplished. Thanks to my genius we won't have to deal with that little brat.

I looked over towards the gate of the school grounds, any moment now he'll be out that door. I wont have to worry about him after that.

It was about two hours more before there was any movement by the gate.

Finally I thought.

Wait thats not that guy.

A photogrophy major was sitting at the gate. He was messing around with his camera. Hitting it, turning it on and off.

"Hey boys, look what we have here".

As the gang looked at the major smiles sourounded their faces.

"I say we go show him who's boss here".  My baseball friend said.

"Just dont leave any marks" I told them.

The boys all agreed before running up to the major and pinning him against the gate. I saw quite a few of the guys tossing his camera back and forth. i also saw the major kick the boys who were holding him down in the nuts before grabing his camera and running. i couldt help but laugh to myself knowing those idiots forgot to hold down his legs. they still need practice.

i walked over to them.

"well done dummy's your top athletes and you still manage to let a scawny boy get away from you"

"it's not our fault. we didint know he would kick so hard"

i turned in the direciton he ran.

"he goes to my father about this your all screwed.

(Devons pov)

im not the type to get involved but i decided this one time would be an exepiton. thanks to the coffee incenent my camera had started taking pictures of things randomly. not only did it catch them pining me to the wall, it also cought them drugging the cullinary major.

I ran tot he head of the colleges office. As much as I hated his roomate I knew the guy was innocent and I was the only person who could prove it. plus this was my chance to get revenge.

I knocked on the door a few times. I heard him yell come in so I entered.

"Sir i have some information that might be of some use to you" 

He looked at me suspiciously so I continued. I pulled out my camera.

"your about to kick someone out for something they didint do"

i set my camera down as well as some pre printed photos.

the first set of photo's showcased the jocks all drugging t as he slept as well as the peperspray that was used on t. the camera showed them beating on me.

"this is a very serious acusaiton"

"yet theres proof"

"i'll look into the matter"

(Aaron T's POV)

it was around time for the to leave, tae and i decided to take a quick nap before i had to go. i had only known him for two days yet he is one of my best friends.

i was awake. knowing that i was gonna get kicked out by my parents for this. tae was still asleep though.

a knock came to the door. i gently moved taeyoung off of me before standing and walking towards it.

i took a deep breath before opening it.

the head master was standing there.

"good evening mr topher"

"good evening"

"it has come to my atteniton that i misunderstood what happend here, i would like you and mr taeyoung to meet me in my officee"

i wasnt sure what it was about, but me and taeyoung entered the office. we saw all those sports jocks sitting there looking pissed. that basketball player was giving me the death glare. there was another person here aswell though i had never seen him.

"so it was brought to my atteniton that i wrongly acused you of something" the head master said as he took a seat infront of me. "my son here drugged you and used peperspray to amplify the effects"

i glanced at the basketball player and then back at the head master.

"thanks to this young man here i am able to clear you of any suspicion"

i looked at the photogrophy major.


"your roomate spilled coffee on my camera. because of that it takes pictures at random times a day. i was walking past your dorm when it snapped a couple pictures of them drugging you"

i smiled slightly.

"so can i finish my degree?"

"yes, and dont worry, we wont be having any more issues"

i smiled completly before taeyoung hugged me.

me taeyoung and that other boy all left the office relitivly happy.

"thanks for your help" i said as i turned to the other boy.

"no problem, those guy's needed to be put in their place"

i wanted to ask him his name but he turned towards the photogrophy building and walked off.

"well i know what were doing tonight" tae said with a smile.

"what is it?"

"unpacking your stuff"

(sorry it's short)

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