new room new roommate.

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I sigh.

"This is it" I thought as I stepped out of my parents car. "Hell is about to begin"

"Aaron are you sure you have everything?" My mom asked as she pulled my suit case out of the trunk.

"yes mom i doubble checked before we left"

my mother handed me my suit case before kissing me on my cheek.

"im so proud of you mijo"

"i know mama. you tell me everyday"

she smiled again before turning to my father.

"are you going to say anything to your son before he leaves us forever?"

my father mearly groaned.

"hell be back around christmas time. dont over react"

my mother crossed her arms.

"what? he knows not to let us down. our resturant depends on it"

"i know papa. i wont let you down"

"you better not! teh future of our resturant depends on you" he snaped.

i sighed.

"i know papa"

"i mean it aaron i am not paying for this high end school just for you to mess it up"

i nodded before picking up my suit case and turning away.

"im gonna be late for oriantaion. bye guys"

as i walked away, i heard my mother sigh in a sad way before getting back into the car. once i steped inside they drove away. finally some peace.

i supose a proper introduciton is needed. hi my name is Aaron t. i come from a hispanic house hold. my parent both run a resturant and ive been helping there ever since i was young. now that im an adult though, they want me to get an actual degree so i can work their leagaly and even take over when they retire. personally i dont really care for it that much but my entire life it is what i was raised to do so..who am i to argue with my father.

i looked around the main area. its huge. thousands of students are running all over the place trying to find the right place to go.

"why did i think this college was a good idea?" i thought to myself as i walked in the direcitons of the other studetns.

it took a bit....more like a few hours but i was finally able to get my student id and my room number. i was going to be staying at the north building. i had a roomate already but i was one of the lucky few who only got one. other's had to share their room with three to four other people. aparently my roomate needs a lot of space for their major.

i walked to the north building nervously. i wasnt sure what scared me more. the thought of a roomate in a diffrent major or the fact that i had no idea what this person was like. they could be a total druggy. or worse the type to throw parties every night.

i shook my head.

im not judging this person until i meet him.

i entered the building causiously. there were mostly small groups of people grouped together in sepret parts of the room talking to one another. they all kinda dressed the same. sweatshirts, ripped jeans and some busted shoes. at that moment time i wasnt sure if that was a good thing or not so i just went to the stairs and found my floor number.

my room was on the 7th floor. concidering this was an 8 story building i supposed it wasnt too bad. unless ofcourse there were to be a fire or something then that would probably be bad.

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