Friday Night

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Friday nights were always the busiest and sometimes the craziest, I could barely handle it by myself when Quinton was gone. I was so happy that he was back but i was just hoping that Declan wasn't going to show up to start any trouble. Since I broke up with him, and Quinton being out of town he had been showing up almost everyday, harassing me about getting back together. I wanted nothing to do with him, for the last seven years he had been a controlling asshole and every time i tried to break up with him things never ended well. 

"Declan at 6'O clock." Natalie whispered in my ear, distracting me from my thoughts. 

'Fuck!' I mumbled to myself as i headed to the back. 

"Excuse me, miss?" A lady stopped me in my tracks. 

"Yes Ma'am? How can i help you?" 

"We've been waiting to be served for over thirty minutes now, the only thing that's been brought to us was our drinks. I haven't seen our waitress since." The lady complained politely. 

"I apologize for your wait. My name is Layla and i will take over your table. I'm going to comp your meal for you lovely ladies. So what can i get started for you?" I stated with a big smile, hoping Declan hadn't noticed me. I took their order, and dropped it off at the bar; i made my way to the back frantically because i had lost sight of Declan. 


"What you want Dex? You always got something up your sleeve when you come up." I looked at him waiting for an answer. 

"I can't just come visit my nigga that i have known my whole life?" Dex had a smile on his face as he leaned back in the chair.  

"What are you doing here?"

"I ain't got nothing up my sleeve nigga so chill, but i needed a change of scenery. Before you even ask, no i'm not in trouble. I closed up shop and i'm moving up here." 

Before i could respond Layla busted through the door with tears in her eyes. I hated seeing her cry, i knew Declan had to be behind her tears; he always was. The only difference is now she was mine and she would never shed another tear as long as i had anything to do with it. 

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked as i got up from my desk. I didn't care if Dex knew, he already knew i was in love with her. 

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to interrupt you and Dexter's meeting, i'll come back later." She said as tears streamed down her face and she began to walk out. Dex stood up and grabbed her and made her sit down. 

"What's going on Layla?" Dex asked as he sat her down, he knew how much i cared for her and he knew how i could get. 

"Just relax baby, and tell me what's going on." I said as i handed her a bottle of water. 

"It's nothing, i'm on my period and just hormonal. I got a little overwhelmed. Melody is missing and she's skipping out on her tables, i had to comp a table's meal because she left them waiting for over thirty minutes. I guess doing this for the last couple of weeks has gotten to me." 

"Well i know for a fact you're not on your period, and Dex already knows. So just tell me whats really bothering you." I assured her, i knew she was trying to respect our privacy because of the bar but Dex didn't give a shit. She looked at me, wiped her face and took a deep breath. 

"Declan has been harassing me since i broke up with him. He has been coming to the bar almost every night starting problems with me, waiting til close and following me home. That's the reason why i had a rental when i picked you up, he smashed my windows, slashed my tires, and keyed my car; it's been in the shop. i didn't want to say anything cause i was hoping he wouldn't show up tonight cause you were back, but he's here and i don't know where went but he's here." she finished as she looked up at me, i was absolutely furious. I just looked at her for a minute, without words. 

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