Toxic Secrets

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I hated leaving her guessing about what was going on but Carmen showing up here unexpected, i knew something was wrong. I had ended things with her when i moved away from New Orleans and started a new life, away from the drugs and all the ciaos that came with it. I took the money i had saved from selling drugs and moved here and started the bar. Carmen loved the power and attention that came with dating a drug dealer, and especially loved the lavish lifestyle. 

I turned around with her standing there with a stupid ass smile on her face. I hated dealing with her, and whatever reason she had being here couldn't be good. 

"What do you want." i demanded as i brushed past her, taking a seat behind my desk. 

I stared at her as she looked at me, still smiling. She set her bag down in the chair as she attempted to walk behind my desk. 

"What do you want."i snapped at her as i stood up from my chair. Carmen took a step back and leaned against the desk. 

"I can't just come see you?" asked as she batted her eyes. i already knew she wanted something. 

"No you can't. I haven't seen or talked to you in over six years." 

"Slim, don't be like that. You really aren't happy to see me?" She questioned me as she took a step forward. 

  "I know you too well Carmen, so this is my last time asking before i throw you out. What do you want." I gritted thru my teeth. I was getting impatient. 

"I just need a place to stay." she stated as she sat down, avoiding all eye contact. 

"Why. what did you do? Or should i say who did you screw over?" I sat back down and folded my arms. I knew this wasn't going to be good. 

"Well, Slim you have no choice because you're involved too. So if i go down you go down. Don't forget who had your back down in New Orleans." she threatened. 

"Are you threatening me?" I lowered my gaze at her, my entire body tensed. I could see the fear in her eyes, as all the color in her face disappear. 

"No, I'm sorry." She hung her head. 

"So what the fuck you mean I'm involved?" I sat back down, waiting for her response. 

"Jack thinks that i stole from him, or helped some one steal from him and-"

"And what the fuck does that have to do with me Carmen! Cause if you brought me into your shit from you hoeing around, Jack will be the least of your problems." I stared at her as i leaned on the desk. 

"First of all i don't hoe around, and yes it does." She hesitantly said as she sat uncomfortably staring at me. 

"How Carmen." I stated plainly. I didn't like where this was going.  "What did you steal from him? What the fuck did you do Carmen!" I slammed my hand on the desk as i stood up. Carmen jumped back into the chair. 

"His spot that's in the french quarter was robbed, and the boys from the bayou are the ones that hit the house but he thinks that me and you helped them since you use to run the spot and the route for the money drops. It doesn't help that you and Dex use to associate with them, and now that Dex left so fast; he thinks we are all in on it." She looked terrified as the words left her lips. 

All i could do was sit back and stare at her. I was still processing what just came out of her mouth, i already knew how Jack handled things. I worked for him long enough to know that once he thought you had crossed him there was hardly any convincing him otherwise. 

"You need to leave. Now." She stared at me blankly. I couldn't deal with this tonight. 

"Go to whatever hotel you are staying at and i will call you in the morning. You clearly have no other options or you wouldn't be here." She looked at me and stood up and walked towards the door without a word. 

"Don't leave town Carmen. I will find you." I stated as i leaned back in my chair. She walked out the door. I already knew how she was, the slightest hint of trouble in her path and she would skip town. I'm not about to let her pin this on me, i knew something about her story didn't add up. 

Dex knew something, i know he did. I knew Dex showing up wasn't a coincidence, but i also know he's gonna lie as soon as i confront him. 

Dex walked in, interrupting my thought. "Speak of the devil." I stated as i looked at him. 

"Why you look like that and did Carmen just leave?" He asked as he sat across from me. 

"Yea that was her. She told me something really interesting though. She said Jack's spot in the french quarter got hit. You know anything about that?" 

"Yea, it got hit right before i left. I know that bitch ain't say i had anything to do with it." Dex got defensive, as he looked at me trying to read whether or not i believed him. I did. 

"So what happened Dex. Cause she's saying  Jack thinks we have something to do with him getting robbed. SO why'd you come up here?" 

"You really gone sit here in my face and ask me that? Like we ain't been boys since we was kids my nigga. So what's up for real Slim?" Dex sat up in his seat, his body tensed up. We had gotten in fights before but never over something like this. We always had each others backs but this time i needed to know what was up because I was not about to loose everything over something like this. 

"You wanna know what happened, Jack called me after he got robbed and asked me if YOU had been in New Orleans recently. I told him no. You were the one that created the route and you knew every blind spot so yea the nigga assumed that you had some part in it. BUT as your boy i had your back which is less then what the fuck i can say for you right now." Dex was pissed and he had every right to be. 

"So what the fuck is Carmen talking about. She said the boys from the bayou had something to do with it." I questioned as i leaned over my desk. 

"I don't know, but call Jack and talk to him yourself. I'ma give you some time to think about whose always had your back and has gotten you outta more shit then you can count on one hand. Don't hit my phone til you come to get some fucking sense." Dex stormed out of my office and slammed the door behind him. 

I sat back in my chair, i pulled out my phone and found Jack's number. 

'Yo.' A familiar voice answered the phone 

'Its Slim. I-'

'I know who it is.' Jack cut me off immediately, 'What you need fam.' 

'Carmen just paid me a visit. Can you fill me in on what's going on.' I questioned as i put my phone on speaker and placed it on my desk. 

'Oh really? Hmm. Where exactly are you?' I could hear the venom in his voice, he was pissed. 

'Charleston South Carolina. I have a bar here. Meet tomorrow?' I waited for an answer. 

'Send me the address.' He hung up the phone. 

I knew something was off about her story, and i have a feeling me and Dex are about to be dragged into the middle of some bull shit. I had no choice but to tell Layla about my old life cause i wasn't letting her go; i just hope she stays. 

After everything was said and down, i closed the bar per business as usual. With everything on my mind heading home to Layla was the only thing that i was looking forward to. Laying my head in her lap while she rubbed my head, the way she makes me feel was nothing like i had ever felt. She was going to be my wife, the mother of my children, i was going to give the world if it was the last thing i do. 

I walked into my apartment, I flipped the lights on and standing in my living room was Layla. She was dressed in a red lace bra and pantie set, with black stilettos on. "Hey baby." She smiled at me as she walked towards me with a glass of bourbon in her hand. She placed a soft kiss on my lips and handed me the glass. 

"Welcome home baby."   

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