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I sat on my bed thinking and replaying the events from last night, i thought he would have at least called me by now. I thought he loved me enough to at least apologize, how could he ever think I would turn him over or betray him in that way. We had loved each other for years and danced around the subject, he knew how much I cared for him. It hurt my heart to know that he really thought I would betray him.

My phone rings pulling me from my sad thoughts, I immediately jump to grab it in hopes it was Quinton.

The name that flashed across the screen shocked me completely.

"What do you want Dexter?" I spat into the phone.

"Open the damn door." He demanded and hung up.

I hesitantly walked towards my front door, a loud banging came from the other side. "Come on mane!" Dexter yelled through the door.

I swung the door open, standing in the doorway annoyed and frustrated. "What!" I said, crossing my arms with a disgusted look on my face.

Dexter pushed past me and sat in my couch. In shock I shut the door and followed; "what do you think you're doing?!" I exclaimed as I made my way to him.

"Do you smoke in here or no?" He asked as he started to roll a blunt. I couldn't believe what was happening. After he had single handily destroyed my relationship with Quinton he was rolling up on my couch like nothing happened.

"Look, you're first on my list. I had no business saying the things I said last night. I'm sorry. Shit is just fucked up right now." Dex explained as he lit the blunt. After taking a long drag he passed it to me.

"Well your friend clearly doesn't love me like he said he does because he hasn't even called. And you could have asked me about my father." I exhaled the smoke and sat down across from him.

"So what is the deal with your father? Should we be worried? Are you gonna get caught up in our mess?" Dex's question just kept coming. I could tell he was shaken up by something.

"We don't talk if that's what you're asking, I live my life and he lives his. Other than thanksgiving and Christmas; if I'm not working that is the only time we really see each other." I explained my very uncomplicated relationship with my father. We barely talked and when we did it was always short and emotionless.

"Well that's good to know I guess but I don't want you getting dragged into this shit we got going on. And I will talk to Slim. We had it out after you left and I said some pretty fucked up shit to him." Dex shook his head.

"What did you say?" I asked just as a knock on my door interrupted our conversation.

As I walked to the door, my heart raced. I didn't know who could be at the door, I looked back at Dex as he pulled his gun from his waistband. He followed closely behind me, standing beside me so he could hide behind the door.

As I opened the door, I was relieved to see Quinton standing on the other side but heartbroken because I could tell he hadn't slept all night.

"Can I come in?" He asked with his head down, looking at me I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Yea. Dex is here." I said as I stepped aside.

"What the fuck is he doing here Layla?" Quinton asked with anger in his voice.

"First of all nigga, lower your tone cause I came to apologize to her before I came to talk to you. So don't get mad at her." Dex stated as he made his way back to my couch and started rolling up again.

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