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Chapter Eleven-Time To Say Goodbye

The cemetery was filled with people, the team knew even a few of Brian's old friends from the police force, dressed in black while crying into their tissues of the loss of Brian's younger sister "We are gathered here today to pay our final respects to Sapphire Rose O'conner. Let us reflect on her journey" The priest preached as they all stood around a beautiful pink casket {her casket up above} but little did they know she wasn't dead at all.

Owen's 3rd Person Pov:

Only about half an hour of the boys leaving Sapphire did start to move her finger indicating she was in-fact alive. So of course it was Michael's duty to inform her family but he didn't have time to when a guy by the name of Owen Shaw stopped him just in time.

Owen had bribed Dr. Micheal with money, a lot of it "I won't tell a soul" And with that Owen was on his way while Micheal started filling out the discharge forms.

Back to now:

Mia and Gisele we're sat on two chairs next to each other in black dresses as they sobbed into their tissues.

Brian, Roman, Tej, Han, Leon and the twins were all wearing black suits. Each with a pair of black sunglasses, to cover up their crying, as they took a step back for it was now Dom's turn to say a few words.

Looking at the picture of a smiling Sapphire that Brian had placed on the casket, Dom tried not to cry as he felt a sense of deja vu when he was at Letty's funeral.

"You know Letty would've loved you. You remind me of her so much" He sighed, putting his finger under his glasses to wipe the tears that were threatening to fall "You'll always be in our hearts Saph, forever and always" Kissing his two fingers he then tapped the casket twice before stepping back. It was now just Brian and Tej left.

Tej had decided to go next to give Brian more so there he was holding in his tears as he looked at the picture of the girl he fell in love with.

"God Saph I don't even know what to say" He took a breath "You made falling in love with you so easy. I love you and I always will. I'm sorry I couldn't save you back in the hospital when I tell you I tried I mean it" Then taking out his wallet he pulled out a picture of Sapphire, her head laid on his lap asleep, while Tej took the picture. That night Roman and Tej were playing poker as they waited for Dom and Brian to get back from that street race. He smiled at the memory.

Giving the picture a kiss he set it down next to the other one before walking back over to the boys as he gave Brian a comforting pat on the shoulder.

"I can't move on Saph god I just got you back. And I couldn't give a shit if that makes me weak but I can't handle you being gone. Your my baby sister and I let you get shot on my watch" He took a breath as he felt the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Ya know your probably laughing at me right now, me being emotional and everything" He chuckled quietly "I may not be able to protect you from down here anymore but you've got Letty up there with you and she's gonna take great care of you. I love you Saph"

Everyone was now sobbing as they watched her casket get lowered into the ground. Sapphire was gone and wasn't coming back anytime soon or so they thought.

After the funeral, the team spoke to their friends, who showed up, shaking their hands with some apologising for their loss, some still crying, and some just stood in-front of them silently unsure of what to say before the team had to split up and leave the country before Hobbs came and arrested them all. But it wasn't the same without Sapphire by their side.

Sapphire's 3rd Person Pov:

Sapphire was now sat in the passengers seat of Owen's car as she watched the scenery go by while thinking about wanting to go home.

After telling her that her family had just left her knowing she was shot Owen had then insisted well more like demanded to take Sapphire in. She didn't want to go at all she wanted her brother and Tej but if what he was saying was true and her family did leave her she was alone. With no memory of how she got shot or ended up in the hospital in the first place and nowhere else to go.

So in the end she did in-fact willingly get into his car letting Owen take her wherever he wanted "So will I ever get to go home?" She questioned as Owen glanced over at her "No. Like I said they left you remember"

Them words stung like a bitch to Sapphire as she tried to keep her tears in "Well do I even know you?" She asked, getting frustrated with the lack of answers she was getting from the man who watched her, a smirk on his face "No but I know you"

Sapphire huffed "Great so I'm in some random guys car who could possibly be my murderer, I'm alone, and I don't have a fucking clue how I got this" She pointed to the bandage that was covering the scar on her stomach.

"Oh yeah you'll have to clean that regularly" Really? Sapphire thought. Was that all he had to say, wow he was a jackass.

Rolling her eyes she leant her elbow on the door frame then put her chin on her hand as she stared out the window "And also your not alone. . You got me now" She couldn't believe what he had just said but she still just wanted to go home and figure this whole thing out. But being polite she gave him a small smile as he smirked giving her a wink.

God, she thought. What have I gotten myself into?

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