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Chapter Twenty Five - The Argument

The team entered Safar's garage and Sapphire had her hands clutched to Tej's suit jacket that was slung over her shoulders as she held it closer to her.

The man then turned to them enraged "Ah, there they are. Disaster"

"I'm sorry" Ramsey apologised.

Safar marched towards them "I get you an invite to the most exclusive party in Abu Dhabi. You steal the host's car and you jump it between two buildings"

"Actually, it was three buildings" Brian corrected him as he held up three fingers.

Sapphire smiled slightly while trying to hold in her laugh "Oh, two, insult. Three, honour. My bad" Safar exclaimed.

The back door to the garage opened and in walked Mr Nobody with his men behind him "Well, well, well, I have to say you've got an interesting interpretation there of low key, Mr Toretto" Mr Nobody said as he came to stand before them.

"You know, Dom, I thought we had an understanding"

"Sometimes you have to play the hand you're dealt" Dom stated.

Mr Nobody nods "Well, that's why I prefer to be the dealer" He winked at Dom before turning to Safar "Goodnight"

Safar looked between Mr Nobody and Sheppard "Ah" He realised "I'm getting kicked out of my own garage. Great, this is just great"

Once he was gone, Mr Nobody held his hand out "May I?"

Dom turned to Brian "Brian. .give it to him" Brian who was stood beside Dom, nodded and handed over the chip.

Mr Nobody held the chip up "All that trouble for this little. ." He groaned ". .thing. With all due respect, Dom, you really did great work back there. All of you. All of my men are now standing by and fully at your disposal" He handed Dom back the chip "Your call"

"Ramsey" Dom said, looking at her "Fire it up and find me Shaw"

Ramsey smirked as she took the chip and walked over to the computers. She placed her bag on the floor by her feet as everyone followed her "Oh, damn, this is crazy" Tej said as Sapphire handed Ramsey her tablet.

"Thank you" She plugged the chip into it "Alright, give me a second"

Sapphire leaned into Tej's side as she watched God's Eye appear "What's it doing now?" Roman questioned curiously.

"It's hunting" Ramsey explained "Hacking into the security cameras at Etihad Towers. That's the last place you saw Shaw, so that's where we'll start"

Brian and Sapphire were quick to spot Shaw "That's him, right there" Brian said.

"Wait, wait. What are these numbers here for?" Tej asked, gesturing to the screen.

"It's bio mapping Shaw's face" Ramsey replied "It'll run against every camera, every audio device in this hemisphere. Bingo. Looks like he's holding up here"

Brian nodded his head "That's perfect. Automated factory, no people, lots of places to hide"

Mr Nobody looked to Ramsey "You just changed the face of manhunts forever. Congratulations"

𝘚𝘈𝘗𝘗𝘏𝘐𝘙𝘌 𝘖'𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘙 - 𝘛𝘌𝘑 𝘗𝘈𝘙𝘒𝘌𝘙Where stories live. Discover now