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Chapter Twelve-Hunting

Engines were roaring, tires were screeching, and the nuns from the church were shouting to Brian in Spanish "Senor O'conner, senor O'conner!"

The time had come for Mia to have her beautiful baby boy but of course Brian and Dom were racing each-other during the time Mia went into labour. However, Elena the ex cop, who was with Hobbs back in the Gurkha who was now romantically involved with Dom, was with Mia at the time so Dom knew she was in safe hands.

"It's okay, your here just in time" Elena reassured Brian with a warm smile as she walked over to Dom in the parking lot, him slipping his hand around her waist and pulling her close to him.

"Your gonna be a great father, Brian" Dom told his best-friend "Oh yeah? And what makes you so sure?" Brian was scared but tried not to show it. It was different now without his sister running around and reassuring him in times like these, he missed that.

"Because I'll be there to kick your ass if ya ain't. And I'm sure Saph would've wanted in on it too" Brian and Elena chuckled, Dom gave him his signature smirk as he motioned to the door "Now go, get in there Buster" Laughing again he turned around with the nuns to walk in when Dom stopped him in his tracks "Brian. Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes"

Brian nodded, letting the words sink in "Our old life is done" And with that Brian in-fact walked through those doors giving his beautiful girlfriend a kiss on her temple before they welcomed little Jack Rose O'conner to the world.


"Special Agent Hobbs?" Riley Hicks questioned the tall, hot, muscular guy as he got out of his truck while she handed some papers to him "Riley Hicks" He greeted without even looking at her as they both carried on to walk forward.

"I read your file" He spoke in that deep voice as he read her file from the top of his head as they walked through an attack on the Russian military "Top of your class at FLETC. Cairo, Tunis. Youngest RSO ever in Afghanistan" Riley kept a straight face as she walked next to the man.

"Hell, if you're half as good as ya are on paper, we're going to get along just fine" She give him a small nod before he started to point out what had happened  "A Russian military caravan attacked, satellite component stolen. Cars just came out of nowhere. Six hospitalised, a dozen vehicles destroyed. All that in under 90 seconds, in and out"

Riley nodded listening to the story while occasionally looking at the wreckage on either side of them "This is world-class" She stated.

"Job this good, there's only one crew in the world who could get this done" Hobbs then slowed to halt as did Riley as they both looked up at a building where a crushed car was being taken out of it "How the hell did that get up there?"

But Hobbs didn't answer as he just stared at the wreckage in-front of him while Riley took out her phone that had just gone off "They caught one" And that seemed to snap Hobbs out of his trance as he turned his head to the woman


Interpol Headquarters:

"I got you five minutes with this guy" Riley told him as they walked through the building looking like they owned the place "I only need two"

Opening the door, anger was evident on his face as he sighed looking at the man who was facing forward with a white t-shirt on. Hobbs smirked, that's gonna stain.

"I want your boss. Where's Shaw?" Hobbs was now stood in-front of the man asking him a simple question. Standing up from his chair he looked at Hobbs dead in the eye "I ain't telling you shit"

Hobbs nodded a small smirk on his face "I was hoping you'd say that" And before the guy could defend himself Hobbs had already grabbed him by his t-shirt and threw him into the corner wall causing some tiles to either crack or fall off.

The man then stood up again as he made his way over to Hobbs trying to go in for a punch but Hobbs grabbed his fist holding it there while he got a few punches to his jaw and stomach.

Outside the room was a window where you can see in the room but the person who's getting interrogated can't see out. So that's where Riley and some other guy in a blue, navy suit that worked there was stood "Is that legal?" He asked in shocked, his eyes flickering from the fight to Riley.

"No" She shook her head a smirk plastered on her face as they watched Hobbs throw the guy down onto the glass table in the middle of the room with ease "But are you going to go in there and tell him?"

"I've got rights, you asshole!" He said in pain rubbing his back from Hobbs lifting him up and into the ceiling before dropping him back down onto the now shattered table "Not today"

The guy and Riley looked back and fourth as Hobbs picked him up again and threw him into the wall which on the other side was there window. The guy standing next to Riley winced not believing what he had just saw.

Looking down at the guy on the floor Hobbs then looked up at where he knew Riley would be standing and shrugged his shoulders giving her the look to say he wasn't finished "No, no, no!"

Walking out the now battered room with a unconscious guy slumped down the side of the wall with blood staining his white shirt Luke's job was done. Riley then came out to join him as they walked through the corridors "Well, is he talking?"

"Not anymore" Just looking at Hobbs now you wouldn't even think he's just beat a guy unconscious "That room is bugged, Hobbs. So, any information you just beat out of him, interpol has now" But none of what Riley just said fazed him.

"Great. Now they can take the morning off. Shaw's in London" Men who walked by them seemed to step to the side and out there way as they saw the tall, muscular man walking to them. Perks of being the great Luke Hobbs.

"Let's go pick him up" Riley said it like it was that easy "Woman, you just don't pick up Owen Shaw like he's groceries. If you want to catch wolves, you need wolves" He stated the obvious as they finally made there way to the exit.

"Let's go huntin"

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