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Chapter Twenty Nine - Nothing Ever Lasts Forever

It's been a few years now since Sapphire and Tej have been enjoying the life of retired international criminals. They ended up bunkering down in Miami were Tej did in fact open up a garage and Sapphire bought a dog, a German Shepherd to be exact called Willow.

They lived in a beach house with a glass balcony railing{Pic up above}and Sapphire even opened up a bakery, they were living the life they always wanted.

Finishing up her last customer as she took off her apron, she smiled when she heard the ding of the bell on the door and Tej walked in with a bouquet of red roses. Her favourite "Hey beautiful, you finishing up?"

"You know it. How was things at the garage?" She asked, cleaning the counters and getting everything ready for another busy day next week.

"Had some really good deals today. This one guy brought in a 1985 white Lamborghini Countac for me to fix up and let me tell you, it was a beauty"

Sapphire smiled "Uh huh" She loved when he talked about his day, the exciting look he had on his face when he talks about cars "So what's the occasion?" She asked, as he handed her the flowers before pulling her closer and placing a loving kiss to her lips.

"We are going to the beach. You know like a little picnic date"

"I like the sound of that" So the couple walked out hand in hand and towards Tej's car where they then drove to the beach. What Sapphire saw next was not what she expected. There was a red rug laid out on the sand with white and red roses on each side of it. But the main part was the words 'MARRY ME' in big capital light up letters{Pic up above}.

"Tej" Sapphire whispered as she turned around, only to see the love of her life down on one knee with a ring box in his hand.

"Everybody knows I was hooked from the day you walked into that warehouse and my love for you has never changed and it never will" Tej smiled "So marry me Saph and we can forever spend our nights eating pizza on the floor even though we have a perfectly good table behind us. We can go to the movies and sit in the back row just to make out like kids falling in love for the first time. We can go to parties that we end up ditching just to go drift in parking lots. Because let's face it Saph, you are the first person I want to wake up to in the morning and the only one I want to kiss goodnight. Your the love of my life and I don't want to waste another second so Sapphire Rose O'conner, will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes" She nodded, happy tears welling up in her eyes "I'll marry you Tej" Sliding the 14 karat white gold diamond ring onto her finger before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss "I love you" She mumbled against his lips.

"I love you too, Mrs Parker" His hands rested on her waist as he smiled "You know, its got a nice ring to it"

Sapphire chuckled "Dork" She joked before pulling him into another kiss. She was going to marry the love of her life and she couldn't be happier.


Sapphire was out on a morning walk to get her and Tej a coffee when she came across a pretty woman with blonde, thin dreads trying to get her car to start "Hey, do you need a hand?"

"Yeah, I think I do" The woman said.

"Well it sounds to me like you're not getting any fuel" Sapphire told her as she walked over to the car.

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