Chapter 4

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I never knew someone could get so many sympathetic looks in one day. Everywhere I look or go someone is there and they always have a look or remorse. I hate it. I'm not dead, I barely even had a scratch on me, so fuck off. I didn't tell anyone that, but believe me, I was thinking about it. As I make my way to my fifth period, English, Jen stops me in the hallway. "Have you seen the new boys?" She asks, a ball of excitement in her eyes.

"No?" I tell her, confused.

"Well, they're in your class. It'll be hard to miss them." She tells me.

"Noted." I say bordly. We part our separate ways and I head into my English class. "Hey Mrs, Philips." I greet.

"Hello Remington." She greets back without looking up from the paper she's reading. I roll my eyes and turn towards the class. My eyes immediately fall on three tall boys in the back of the class where I sit. A breath catches in my throat when I look at the one who's sitting in the desk next to mine. Yellow eyes. The boy stares right back at me with a smile across his face. I can't move, I can't breathe and no matter how hard I try I can't look away.

"Ms Scott." Mrs Philips says, breaking my thoughts and allowing me to look away.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Take a seat please. Class is about to start." There's a hit of bitterness in her voice.

"Sorry." I mumble. Taking a deep breath I make my way to the back of the class and sit In I my usual chair. I can feel eyes on me but I don't look away from the board. Finally the bell rings letting everyone out for lunch. I race out and find Jen in our usual spot outside.

"So? Did you see them?" She asks. "What did you think?"

"I think they're weird." I mumble. "The entire class, the one with..." I trail off.

"The one with what?" Jen asks.

"Yellow eyes." I whisper.

"You don't think..." She trails off too but I know what she means.

"I don't know." I admit. "I remember the men being older looking."

"Maybe it's a coincidence?" She offers. I shrug. We both go quiet and neither of us eat. Then I feel Jen tense beside me and look up to see all three new boys heading our way.

Every girl turns to look at them as they walk by, every bit suddenly feels like they have to get their attention but they never fall off course. Me. "Hello." Jen greets, when they reach us.

"Hey." The yellow eyed boy greets back but his eyes remain on me. "Your Remington Scott yes?" He asks.

"Depends on why you want to know." Jen says quickly. The boy says nothing but I find myself wanting to tell him everything about me. To spill my every secret.

"Yes I am." I confirm. "Is there something I can help you with?" The boy smirks.

"I'm having a little get together at my place. Not many are going but I thought I'd see if you wanted to go. You seem to know a lot of people. Might help me make some... friends." He tells me but the way he says friends makes me think he doesn't actually want any.

"Sorry, I don't hang out with people I don't know the names of." I replied.

"I'm Dane and these two are Parker and Nico." He introduces.

"Nice to meet you." The one named Nico says politely. Parker just nods a little.

"So what do you say?" Dane asks. Every cell in me begs to say yes, but the sane part of me, the part that still has common sense, tells me not to trust this guy. Ever.

"Sorry. I can't." I answer. His eyes seem to blaze brighter.

"Sure," He says casually. "I guess I'll see you around them?"

"We have English together so it's kind of hard to get out of." I snap back. He just smirks and walks away followed by his minions.

"That was tense." Jen breathes.

"Yeah." I say still looking after where they walked. "It was.

When I finally get home I feel a sense of calm wash over me. My parents are still gone. The only thing that's wrong is the fact that Duckie and Rex still want nothing to do with me. I decided to take a shower, maybe that'll wash away the entire day I had. The water flows down my back and wets my bright red hair. After scrubbing my skin clean of everything I get out and wipe away the fog in the mirror. My skin seems to glow and my face looks more defined. I look stronger, like I've boxed my entire life. Shaking the weird thought out of my head I wrap a towel around myself and head to my room. Just as I round the corner and enter the living room I stop dead in my tracks. "Your house is nice. Small and a little dirty but nice." Dane says casually as he lounges on my couch.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I yell, holding the towel around me tighter. He eyes my body.

"You're not half bad." He comments. A strange growl goes through me.

"I asked you why the hell you are in my house?" With a sigh, Dane stands and walks towards me.

"Do you remember the night you got attacked?" He asks. I freeze in place, my eyes following his every move. Taking my silence as an answer he continues "Well my father was the one who did it. And now I'm here to collect you."

"Stay away from me." I snarl, a sound that scares me.

"Your wolf wants out Remi." Dane tells me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, backing away from him.

"I know you still remember, Remi. The blood, the pain, the teeth tearing you apart. That did something to you. Humans don't survive something like that unless they're allowed to." Dane continues to stock towards me like a predator and his prey.

"How do you know about my attack?" I ask, my back hitting a wall.

"Because my father told me." Dane answers. "He made you for me. To be my queen."

"I'm not your queen." I cry. " I'm know one!"

"No Remi, you're so much more." He says. Then without warning he lunges and everything goes black.

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