Chapter 17

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The first thing I felt as I opened my eyes was my entire body feeling like it was on fire. My hands are chained to a wall and I'm sitting on the floor in a cement walled room. "Dane? Rose?" I call out through my mind. Nothing comes back but a soft whine from Rose.

"If you're trying to link your mate or wolf it won't work." A woman's voice tells me. My head snaps up to where the voice came from and I see an older looking woman sitting against the wall from me. "The poison they give you takes days to wear off but they inject you with more before it can."

"W-who are you?" My voice cracks from lack of water.

"My name is Vivian." She sighs. "I've been down here long enough to be your grandmother's mother."

"I'm Remi." I greet. "Where are we exactly?"

"Some warehouse in the middle of nowhere." Vivian sighs again. "I wouldn't advise trying to escape. They'll only punish you more."

"Pup." Rose whimpers, waking up slowly.

"I'm pregnant." I whisper to myself.

"Pups are growing in your womb?" Vivian asks with wide eyes.

"Just one." Rose tells me.

"Only one." I repeat.

"That's unusual." She comments. "Usually a she-wolf has a litter of pups."

"I'm not your everyday she-wolf." I laugh softly without humor.

"And how's that?" She asks.

"I was bitten." She says nothing and when I look up she's staring at me with wide old eyes. "My pack was out of females and my mate needed a Luna so his father found me and turned me."

"You're an Alpha's mate?" She asks. "That pup in you is the next heir!"

"Yes." I confirm.

"You can't let them find out about the pup Remi. They kill him." She looked panicked.

"One of them already knows." I whisper, defeated.

"We have to get you out of here."

"But you just said-" she cuts me off.

"I know what I said but that was before I knew about the pup and you being a Luna. Your poor mate must be going insane!" Tears welled up in my eyes at the thought. "Oh dear. Don't cry sweet child. Everything will be alright. You just let Vivian take care of everything." The door slides open with creaky hinges, just as I'm about to say something.

"Get up!" Hunter's familiar voice orders. "Both of you!" We scramble to our feet and I wince when I feel the metal around my ankles dig into my skin.

Hunter stocks towards me and grabs me by my hair, pulling me to the door. "No!" Vivian shouts. "Take me instead!" Hunter looks at her over his shoulder and smirks.

"Don't worry mutt, your turn is next." I can hear Vivian shout after us even after Hunter has dragged me out of the basement completely. When we finally stop Hunter drops me in the middle of the floor surrounded by hospital beds with other she-wolves tied to them, clearly in pain and all...pregnant. My heart stops in my chest and my blood goes cold. This is a breeding factory.


As soon as Remi told me she wasn't feeling well something in my wolf clicked. She was pregnant with my pups. All I wanted was to chase after her and hold her in my arms while listening to the faint beating of our pups heartbeat, but I couldn't do that. As Alpha I was expected to stay at the ceremony until the end even if I didn't want to. Just as I was about to go talk to my parents a sharp pain filled my head causing me to stumble over my feet and fall into a table for support. "Dane?" My mother's worried voice asks. "Michael! Something's wrong!"

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