Chapter 7

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Going back to Danes house I realized it's not just a house but an entire castle. "You live here!?" I ask. Dane smiles down at me.

"We live here love." My eyes narrow but I keep my mouth shut. Inside Stella and Grace meet us and rush to me with their arms out.

"Oh, we were so worried. Michael told us what happened. Are you alright?" Grace asks.

"I'm fine." I answer.

"What in the world were you thinking?" Stella asks. She didn't sound mad, just confused and worried.

"Jen." I say shorty.

"Who?" She asks.

"That's all I could think about." I clarified. "Jen, my best friend. She has know idea where I'm at and she has a tendency to do stupid shit when she's worried."

"Why didn't you say anything!" Grace shouts. "We're not opposed to letting you see your friends, Remi. You're not a prisoner. You just have to stay with Dane or some other male wolf. It's too dangerous for you to be alone."

"Why?" I ask. Grace grabs my arms and starts pulling me towards a door.

"Let me explain everything."

An hour later my mind is whirling but I have no more questions. "So basically when Michael attacked me he intended on turning me into a she-wolf, which is rare and very valued by alphas, so I could mate with his son and bear an heir for the pack's next alpha after Dane." I sum up.

"Pretty much." Stella laughs.

"You seem very okay with this." Dane comments. I shake my head.

"You should see what's going on in my mind." Rose seems happy with the news but I'm raging. They want me to have sex with a boy I've bearly met, and have a child, or pup as they say, with him! "Is it okay if I call Jen?" I ask suddenly.

"Of course!" Grace answers.

"Just don't tell her anything." Michael orders. "Tell her you're on vacation or something."

"She'll never believe that." I tell him. "In order to go on vacation you have to have parents who love you enough to take you on one. I'll just tell her I needed a mental health day. She'll believe that more."

"What-" I cut Dane off before he can ask whatever he's going to ask.

"I'm going back up to Dane's room." I tell everyone as I turn to leave. Dane stops me by grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him.

"I think it would be better if you stayed in my sights. Especially since you have a habit of running off." His lips move into a crooked smile I can't help but smile with.

"Fine." I sigh. "But I'm warning you all now, Jen is crazy and she's going to have some words for me that aren't going to be the nicest. Stay calm." They all nod and take seats around the room. As soon as I find her number and press call she picks up.

"Where the hell have you been!" She yells into the phone. I wince and put my phone on speaker.

"Hello to you too." I say.

"Oh don't pull that shit on me Remi. You've been gone for three days!" She yells even louder and I am surprised her parents haven't come to yell at her.

"I'm sorry." I tell her.

"You'd better be." She grumbles. "So where are you?" She asks. A lump forms in my throat. I've never had to lie to Jen before, it goes against everything we mean to each other.

"I just needed a few days off." I lie.

"You?" She snorts. "The girl who refused to take off a day after she was attacked by someone with yellow eyes just because she needed to get into a good college so she could get a job and leave her abusive parents?" I can feel everyone's eyes go to me but I don't take my eyes off my phone.

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