Chapter Two

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"Donnieee!" Mikey yelled as she barged into her older brother's lab, swiftly closing the door behind her, a panicked look on her face. Raph and Leo are both are not happy with her.

Donnie sat at his lab table, and when Mikey barged in like a lunatic, he looked up from one of his lab experiments with an annoyed look plastered to his face. "Mikey, what are you doing? My lab is off limits!" he scolded his younger sister.

"Hide me!" Mikey begged, clasping her hands together and making a pleasing face. "Please, D, pleeeesse!"

"Ugh, what did you do this time?" Donnie sighed, as he glanced back down at his experiment.

"Um, nothing much..." Mikey said with a goofy grin, causing Donnie to look at her expectantly. "Well, I mean, I may have threw just an itty little water balloon at Raphie, so like I said, nothing much." She chuckled awkwardly. "And I interrupted Leo's TV but that was an accident, I swear!"

"That's what you always say," Donnie said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, because it's always true!" Mikey insisted, pouting as she crossed her arms. But then she noticed the chemicals in front of Donnie and her mouth went into an o shape. "What are ya working on, Donnie?"

"Nothing that you need to be so close to," Donnie said, pulling her back. "The chemicals are highly flammable and I don't feel like blowing up today."

Mikey giggled. "Would you ever feel like wanting to blow up ever?"

"When you bother me, yes," Donnie said, agitation laced within his voice.

"Oh." Mikey frowned.

Ouch, wow, thanks, Donnie... Mikey thought in her mind.

"MIKEY!" came a growl from somewhere outside the lab, probably from the most hot tempered Hamato —Raph—causing Mikey to gulp and sent her her brainy brother a panicked, stricken look, as if silently begging, Please hide me, D!

Donnie stared at his little sister's big, blue eyes filled with panic, as she attempted to give him her adorable puppy dog eyes. After a moment of them just staring at each other, Donnie yelled back, "She's in here!"

What a traitor.

"Dude, what happened to little siblings unite? We gotta stick together!" Mikey hissed.

"I joined the middle sibling club instead, less annoying," Donnie said without an ounce of hesitation.

"D!" Mikey gasped dramatically, but yet, genuinely sad by her older brother's words, not that she would ever stop acting like a happy little ray of sunshine, but these constant jabs at her is really upsetting her.

The lab doors opened, and there stood Raph, grinning like something evil from a scary movie. He cracked his knuckles, narrowing his eyes at Michelangela, who was cowering behind an annoyed Donnie.

"It was just one water balloon," Mikey said, not leaving the safety of Donnie's back.

"And this," Raph said, holding out a comic book from nowhere—Mikey did not see that before the reveal—but she gulped when she saw the state it was in. Wet and torched. Raph's comic was a mess, and Mikey had been the cause of it. It happened that morning, but Mikey thought Raph would never find out—not after hiding it in their neighbor's trash can.

Yeah, Mikey hid her brother's comic book in a trash can in another yard, and Raph has still managed to find out. Mikey wasn't exactly sure if she wanted to know Raph's ways...

"It was an accident—didn't you see—?" Mikey was about to tell her brother what she had left for him, which was the reason why she was in Raph's bedroom in the first place. Just... she accidentally destroyed his comic book in the process.

Before Mikey was able to explain herself to her easily angered brother—the one that probably hates her the most, if she's being completely honest—he leaped up, and Donnie quickly got out of the way as Raph lunged for the youngest Hamato.

"Wait, no—" Mikey said, running from her older brother's reaching hands, knowing full well that destroying any of his comic books results in so much pain, and Mikey would rather skip that today.

"Mikey," Raph growled.

"Can you please find somewhere that isn't my lab to play Cat and Mouse?" Donnie questioned, exasperated, from the sidelines, as he crossed his arms.

Neither Raph nor Mikey responded.

Mikey was too busy running for her life, and Raph was too busy trying to end a life.

And then Mikey tripped. As she tried to stop herself from falling, her hand grabbed the first thing she could touch—which just so happened to be one of Donnie's beakers... with chemicals in it.

The glass smashed on the floor, and Mikey grinned sheepishly, as Raph glared at her and Donnie's eyes widened.

"Everyone, down!" Donnie demanded, jumping up, over the lab table, and pulling Mikey and Raph under the table, as the lab exploded.


Leo didn't expect to hear an explosion coming in the direction of his youngest brother's lab, as he finally fixed the TV. At first, Leo thought nothing of it—Donnie's lab explodes at least twice a week, no biggie.

But then he realized that this happened after Raph went chasing after Mikey, and that maybe it wasn't the typical explosion that happens literally every week.

They're fine, Leo assured himself.

But he didn't make himself feel any better, so he quickly started running in the direction of the lab, and saw smoke coming from it. He was too scared to look inside, but did so anyways.

Everywhere was burnt black, and Leo scanned the place, hoping to find his brothers and sister among the mess alive and unharmed.

"Donnie! Raph! Mikey!" Leo yelled, going into worry mode. "Are you in here?" Maybe the explosion happened when no one was in the lab? Not that that theory made any sense.

"Over here," a weak female voice called out.

Leo breathed a sigh of relief as he saw all three of his siblings stand up from behind Donnie's lab table—sure, their legs were wobbling, but they were okay, which was the most important part.

"Nice going, Mikey!" Raph yelled sarcastically, slapping the back of his sister's head.

"Owie..." Mikey muttered, clutching her head.

"What happened?" Leo asked.

But before he could get a reply, Donnie turned to the youngest.

"You could have killed us! We would be dead right now if not for my quick thinking!"

"This outta be good," Raph muttered with a sly grin.

"I-I'm Sorry, I—"

"You're always sorry, but sorry isn't good enough!"

"...It was just an accident," Mikey said, looking down at her shoes.

"What, you gonna use that as an excuse when another of your little accidents ends someone's life?"

"I-I... need to use the restroom!" Mikey said, running away, quick enough so no one could see the hurt in her eyes.

When she was gone, Leo asked, "Now can someone tell me what happened?"

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