Chapter 3

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You woke up and Tao was already up, you rubbed your eyes. You got out of bed and blindly walked out of there, you squinted your eyes at the sun's light, you groaned. Tao glanced at you.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked, not taking his eyes off you. You nodded, remembering what happened the night before. You had just remembered that Tao had his arms around you while you slept, you couldn't help but blush.
"What?" Tao said, he studied your expression, you quickly turned your head and said.
Tao gave you one last look before going back to watching T.V.
"Hey... Can't I start training today?" You asked, Tao shot you a look.
"Now?!" He asked, nodded. He shook his head and got up.
"If you want to..." Tao said, he lead you outside. They lived literally in the forest, or so you thought.
"You guys live in a forest?" You asked, Tao shrugged.
"It's just a super long drive way that connects our house to the road.
"How do you grab mail?" You asked, Tao just smiled.
"My uncle grabs it, his power is speed..." Tao explained, you just nodded your head.
"So what does your aunt have?" You asked.
"She can read minds... So I can't even lie to her." Tao said, your heart stopped, is that why she said you wouldn't be family yet? Wait with who? Tao? No way! You started blushing at the thought. Tao crossed his arms and stared at you intensely.
"Try turning into a vampire..." Tao said, you closed your eyes and concentrated, you opened your eyes and you were the same.
"What the heck?" You mumbled under your breath. You tried again with the same method, it didn't work. You thought for a moment.
"Tao... Piss me off..." You said, Tao gave you a weird look.
"How?" He asked, you rolled you eyes at his ridiculous question.
"Just piss me off!" You shouted at him, you were getting annoyed but didn't notice.
"How?!" Tao snapped at you, before you knew it your fangs were bared, your vision was red, so were you eyes, You were holding Tao by his neck against the tree, you saw him just staring at you in pain. You could tell you hand was hot, you could see the fire surrounding it. You pressed down harder in his throat, you heard him gasping for air. You felt tears forming in your eyes.
"No! Stop! Help me let him go! Stop!" You were screaming, but all that came out was an evil sinister laugh. Tao looked right into your eyes, it was filled with fear and pain. You felt yourself loosen up on his throat, your fangs went back and your eyes changed back to brown. You fell to the ground speechless at your actions. Tao bent over and hugged you.
"Are you okay?" He asked you, his words hit you, and the tears wouldn't stop.
"I can't do this... I almost killed you!" You screamed, you pushed Tao away and you started walking away. Tao grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug. You sobbed in his arms.
"You can do it... With me, I'll help you..." Tao whispered in your ear, you wrapped you arms around his back. He pulled away and kissed you, you were shocked but soon went along with it. You kissed him back as he cupped your face, your arms wrapping themselves around his neck. After kissing for a while you came back to your senses and pulled off you. You turned your face since it was too hard to look at him, he did the same. You wiped the excess tears away and fixed your hair.
"I need to go..." You said, you grabbed your jacket off the wooden bench and walked towards the front of the house. You left the property, running through the long drive way. It felt like forever until you saw the road. You followed the road down to Seoul, you kept running and made sure not to make contact with anybody, you didn't want to hurt them. You ran upon the abandon factory, you retreated into the old building. You ran up to the flat roof top, panting. You thought about the people you'd hurt, the people you loved, the people you'll lose. You heard a group of guys laughing and talking. You noticed your hearing had been quite sharp, you heard them walking up the steps as they arrived at the roof top. They smiled at the sight of you.
"What is a beautiful girl doing here by herself." Asked the tall one, he slowly walked up to you, slowly checking you out. He grabbed your chin, you tried your best not to get annoyed, you moved his hand away from you.
"Please don't..." You pushed his arm away, he scoffed at your braveness. With the help of his two other friends they got you pinned up onto the wall, one floor below the roof. You struggled to get away, still keeping your cool. You felt the anger building up inside you. You tried holding it back, then your eyes changed colors, and your fangs grew out. You quickly felt the energy get drained from you, you fell to the ground and your eyes were closing, you saw a man's figure pushed the other three guys away. As your eyes closed you Weakly and as strongly as you could you managed to say.

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