Master and Slave

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A little sparrow fluttered his wings as he landed next to a jackal in the ancient desert sands. "It is almost time my master." The little bird chirped. All the jackal did was nod in return to the bird. The little bird left the dog's side in a simple swing of his wings.

The jackal had come to like the bird by his side. It was unfortunate that he had to leave earth and go to the Afterlife. If he could return the little bird would be dead for such a time had passed.

The dog left his place and went to his place of need. The jackal's paw padded on the soft sand sinking in slightly do to the wight. The sparrow joined him once again as he neared the palace were the pharaoh ruled.

"I have inform him that you are coming." The little bird chirped. The jackal sighed he disliked the idea of the sparrow not joining him. Maybe he could get sneak the sparrow with him.

"You cannot scheme to hide something this time." The jackal gave a sign for the bird to be off. The dog looked back to see who it was after the bird flew off.

"I don't know what you mean, master Horus." The bird headed man chuckled and lead the jackal to the throne where they were needed.

As they gave their blessings and teachings it was time they left. With a simple spell casted by Horus a portal to the Afterlife opened up. Horus was the first of the group that had come to enter the portal and the jackal was last. "Will I see you again master?" The bird's chirping called to him. Looking back he shook his head sadly he truly wanted to see the bird again.

Stepping through the portal Horus informed him he must report to Anubis for Anubis is un-allowed on the earthly land without death quick to follow. Following orders the jackal reported to Anubis what he was told to look for and answered any questions Anubis might have.

Soon time went by and the jackal almost forgot about the little sparrow.

"Seth," Anubis started. "I am going to let you live in the human wold as a thank you for your service." The jackal looked up from his place. "Master, there is no need to do that."

"Even if a little sparrow joined your new life?" This got the jackal's ear to twitch. "What are my master's conditions?" Anubis never really give without conditions. "You won't know until you meet the sparrow and you will be very cold hearted."

"I accept." With that Anubis sent the jackal to the living world. Seth or Seto was now the Ceo of Kaiba corp. and like what Anubis said very cold hearted.

Until one day he ran into a boy that had wings that matched his ears.

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