Chapter 4: When Saiyans collide part 2 Naruto VS Goku, Battling the inner demon.

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Majestic Naruto and Blue Goku collided each others fist creating a big shockwave. They were in the air as they battled it out exchanging punches and kicks. They're knees collide with each other creating sparks of energy pushing one another back.

Naruto broke the hold vanishing and appearing behind goku but by the time he did the blue Saiyan had vanished too and appearing behind him with a kick which Naruto barley blocked. 'It seems Goku has been watching my moves closely against Vegeta.' he thought

He retaliated with multiple right kicks to which Goku dodged but didn't see the left knee connecting his gut knocking the air out of him and was hit in the back with an elbow sending him down to the ground catching himself, Goku had looked up and in time dodged an axe kick from Naruto creating a small crater.

In the air he sensed another presence behind him and looked to see a clone coming towards him quickly. He tried block the attack but a punch landed to the gut taking him off guard but the clone was not finish continuing ten hard left and right punches.

Goku caught the left and right punches and threw two knees to the chin and a heavy kick sending the clone away as it poofed.

Naruto appeared in front of him as they went back and forth exchanging fast punches and kicks. He landed two blows to Goku's face but in surprise felt three blows to his own face.

"Goku has managed to land a few blows to Naruto, now this should get interesting wouldn't you say Beerus-Sama." The angel asked the Destroyer who did not answer as he kept watching the fight.

The two saiyan were still exchanging punches until Naruto kicked Goku's leg throwing him off and cocked his right fist back covering it in white KI energy and went for the punch but luckily Goku wrapped his legs around the arm stopping the attack.

Naruto was surprised by this and Goku took this advantage as he flipped backwards throwing him down to the ground. He landed on his feet and looked up seeing dozens of KI blast energies which he dodged and was in the air.

Goku appeared above Naruto and went for an axe handle but Naruto did a rising knee breaking the attack and did a spin kick which Goku blocked in a x guard but was still sent back.

Naruto appeared in front of Goku and threw fast hard left and right repeated punches which Goku was blocking but was being pushed.

Going for a fake jab Goku fell for it and Naruto delivered a hard right hook to the gut making the Saiyan spit a glob of saliva as he was then kicked far back. Naruto blasted White KI energies which Goku flies around dodging.

"Goku has been doing well against Naruto even though he is in his Majestic form, i'm surprised He's still able to keeping up with Goku's Blue form without going Majestic 2." Whis said.

"He's is holding back too, remember that Kaioken that he learned from the Kai, Once he feels Naruto's power grow I have no doubt Goku will go all out." Beerus said

The Saiyans were again clashing with punches, blocks and kicks, punches landed Naruto to Goku back and forth, the two men eyes narrowed with small smiles as they were enjoying this.

Goku went for a kick to the head but Naruto had his forearm up blocking the kick and retaliated with a right punch to the face but Goku shook it off and went for a left hook to the gut but Naruto caught the punch with his own punch.

He went for a left punch of his own but Goku blocked it with his forearm. They broke off and had connected a right punch to each others face creating a shockwave.

Beerus and Whis looked on.

Naruto gave a chuckle as did Goku, they two men floated back. "I guess I been going easy on you for too long." said Naruto

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