Chapter 3: Konoha dark secret Naruto vs Danzo. When Saiyans collide Part 1.

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-In the Hokage's office-

Naruto along with Tsunade had return from the five Kage meeting as it was decided that they would form an alliance to fight against Madara. Right now we find Naruto in the Hokage office infront of her who stood behind her desk in her seat with her fingers interlock.

"You said there's something important to tell me?" he asked and saw her going Hokage mode.

"Yes I did...but before I tell...You have to promise me to stay calm." she said which confused him.

"Um. Okay what's this about?" He asked.

Tsunade took a deep breathe and spoke. "First, it's time to tell you about your parents." Naruto eyes went wide.

"You're parents were strong shinobi especially your father, he was a hero to Konohagakure and so was your mother. Her name was Kushina Uzumaki and she was the second jinchuriki of the Kyubi. (Naruto's mouth dropped a little in shock) She came here from her homeland Uzushiogakure before it was destroyed"

Naruto had small tears running down his cheek and wiped it away and nod for her to continue. "You're mother was like you when she was your age. She was brash, loudmouth but a great shinobi." Tsunade chuckled making him laugh a little.

"As for your father...he was Minato Namikaze better known as the Yondaime Hokage." she revealed.

Naruto felt his brain going to overload as he heard who his father was but at the same time smacked himself for not realizing it sooner as that old bastard the Tsuchikage called him out. He felt two feelings, anger and happiness. Angry his father had turned him to a Jinchuriki but had understood why he did it. He was happy that his father was the Hero he had always idolized since childhood.

"Now that you know them...there's more you should know..about the night you were born." Tsunade said drawing the Saiyans attention as he never heard much about that night. All he knew it was the day the Kyubi attacked.

"I had looked over sensei files and found something interesting." she pulled out the folder and opened it.

"Your mother was taken outside of Konohagakure for safety as she was giving birth which would weaken her seal, Minato and Sensei's wife along with her assistance were the only ones that were with you were born an orange spiral masked man killed the nurses and kidnapped you."

Naruto froze as he remembered Madara's appearance, he clenched gripping his chair as it cracked and a purple aura was radiating off him. Tsunade herself for the first time since her battle years ago against the fearest Shinobi the late Hanzo the Salamander, she felt fear.

Realizing Tsunade was shaking a tiny bit he closed his eyes remembering his lessons with Whis. The purple aura had disappeared and gave an apologetic look, he was good..for now.

She cleared her throat and focused back "From what it also said was that your dad managed to take you back but the bastard took your mother where he then ripped the Kyubi out of her and controlled it with a sharingan."

Naruto blood boiled as he couldn't believe he was face to face with his mother's murderer, "Your father fought the man and managed to break the control over the Kyubi, and you know the rest."

"He had to seal it into me." Naruto conclude making Tsunade nod confirming it. He now had fully understood why his father did what he did but something made him curious.

"Wait, what about Dads family?" he asked

"Minato was an orphan as far as his file said until he was adopted by a civilian woman named Kira Namikaze." Tsunade said. Meanwhile He was in his thoughts thinking that his dad was possibly a Saiyan, it all added up. He has to remember to ask Whis about more history of the Majestic Saiyans.

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