Chapter 13: Battle of the Future part 3: Naruto vs Broly, the true power?

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Naruto flew at sonic speed leaving an Orange aura streak while narrowly dodging a volley of green KI blasts that lit up the sky and destroyed many huge cliffs and boulders, covering the area in destruction. This continue for the next ten seconds as Naruto led the Super Saiyan farther away. Explosions rocked the wasteland as the place was covered in a barrage of energy blasts. He flew down between a gap in which Broly followed and continued to fire his blasts.

Naruto emerged from the smoke out the gap unharmed but was still followed. He turned around and slapped each of the attacks away. "My turn!" he said. He crossed his arms in a x guard and cried out as the energy around him grew much bigger and exploded in power. Naruto's white aura now blended with his orange; his hair still too was the same but now had white highlights.

Broly connected a punch sending the Majestic Saiyan god away but Naruto ignored it and shot towards Broly connecting his own punch sending the Super Saiyan away. He recovered quickly and zoomed back where they both clashed connecting punch after punch making a loud shock wave. Broly connected a right but was blocked by a forearm and was smashed with an uppercut but shook it off. Naruto attacked with a fury of left and right kick combo's following with a spinning back kick at the end blasting Broly back.

Not finished he rushed forward and just when he was close, he redirected a punch coming towards him and connected an elbow with a knee knocking the air out the Saiyan. He didn't get a chance to recover as a swift hard kick connected the side of his head sending him crashing into the mountain of rocks. Not done yet, he waved his hands and formed nine huge Rasengan's that took the same color as his duo aura. He shouted as he blasted them down in which they multiplied.

Broly got up just to see thousands upon thousands of KI Rasengan's raining down and consuming him. He cried as he felt the multiple attacks. A green orb formed around him acting as a shield and exploded erasing the attacks. He sped towards Naruto who vanished as they appeared and vanished everywhere on the battlefield.

Both warriors had countered each other's strikes, but Naruto landed a right kick in which Broly retaliated with a punch sending him back as they flew around faster. he went for kick but the Majestic Saiyan vanished and appeared behind with a knee to the spine, blasting him back.

Naruto saw Broly forming a ball of KI and got in his stance gathering his divine KI into his signature attack. Three seconds later both warriors fired their blast in which clashed forming a huge orb that they were both consumed in blinding the wrecked battlefield.

-With the others-

Once Goku set his father in the time machine he began to regain consciousness. "Good your awake." He said and pulled out a senzu bean and fed it to his father who chewed it and digested it.

Few seconds later Bardock felt his energy refill and his injuries healed. 'wow that stuff really does work.'

Once Trunks set Mai in the time machine a large orb of energy was seen from a very far distance catching their attention. "Looks like Naruto's getting serious now." Said Goku who felt an increase in the Majestic Saiyan's God KI.

"We have to help him." Trunks insisted but his father shook his head.

"No. This is the boys fight, if we did help It wouldn't make a difference. Vegeta admitted

"But Father." Trunk protested until.

"Your dad is right Trunks." Goku spoke in a serious tone which was rare catching the future hybrids attention. "Even with Vegito we still couldn't defeat Zamasu, but Naruto beat him with no problem. Don't forget how Broly easily beat down Black, even fusing with Zamasu still didn't help. I hate to say it, but we be no match for him, even with our Super Saiyan Blue, it won't do much.

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