Beauty & The Broma

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Santa Cecilia, 1916

Héctor sat on the steps of the gazebo in Mariachi Plaza, waiting for his very good friend to join him. The two often spent their days playing music for the passersby together. It seemed that Ernesto was running a little late, but Héctor didn't mind. He liked to watch people... especially one particular woman who always came through the plaza.

Imelda Rivera was the most gorgeous woman in all of Santa Cecilia... at least to Héctor. She was fair skinned with long ebony hair that was elegantly pulled into a low bun. Anyone could see that she was a vision of beauty. Many men had taken notice and tried their luck at winning her hand. None of them had anything to show for their efforts... aside from a few bruises in the shape of her shoe's heel. Imelda was as fiery as she was charming.

Even though Héctor was head over heels for the town beauty, he was far too afraid to even talk to her.

"Héctor!" Ernesto said, raising his voice a little to get his amigo's attention. He was standing beside Héctor holding his guitar case. "¡Dios mío! Are you going deaf? You can't hear me saying your name from a foot away?"

"Sorry. How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough for my feet to hurt," Ernesto complained and sat down on the gazebo steps with Héctor. "What's got you so distracted lately?"

"Nothing," Héctor insisted.

Ernesto followed Héctor's gaze to the young woman buying from one of the vendors nearby. He smirked smugly as he realized what was distracting his duet partner. "Ahhh, pequeño Héctor has got it bad for the Rivera girl."

"Stop it, Ernesto..." Héctor murmured, getting embarrassed by how loudly Ernesto was talking. He didn't want the whole town to know about his crush.

"What? It's adorable to see you all flustered."

Héctor rolled his eyes and shoved Ernesto's shoulder. "Did you come here to make fun of me or to make money?"

The two dropped the subject and prepared to perform. Héctor was by far the more talented guitarist, but he didn't have a good guitar of his own. Ernesto had a gift for singing, so he let Héctor use his guitar for performances. Héctor began tuning the guitar while Ernesto got ready to start their first song of the day, gathering a small crowd.

By the time they were ready to start the show, Imelda had disappeared from the plaza. Héctor's heart sank a little when he realized Imelda had left.

Ernesto's head was entirely in the music from start to finish, but Héctor was clearly struggling to keep his focus. They still managed to bring in a decent amount of money despite Héctor's lackluster performance. Once the crowd had dispersed, Ernesto approached his duet partner to confront him about it.

"Okay, what are we going to do about this infatuation of yours?"

"What do you mean?" Héctor asked while he packed up Ernesto's guitar for him.

"This girl is taking over your cabeza, so we need to do something about it," Ernesto said, knocking on Héctor's head lightly. He walked up the stairs and threw his arms out dramatically. "You've got to seize your moment and confess your love!"

"No. No, no, no. No way! You're loco if you think I can confess anything to her and walk away unharmed."

"Come on! You won't stop thinking about her until you tell her how you feel."

Héctor was extremely nervous about approaching Imelda, but maybe Ernesto was right. She was all that he could think about. At this point, Héctor only had two choices: he could keep his feelings bottled up... or risk a minor head injury.

Héctor x Imelda Oneshots [Coco Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now