The Last Gift (Part 2)

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Imelda had made her decision: She was going to carry this child to term, and have the second child that had been given to her. In her eyes, this baby was a gift from her departed love. It was the last gift she would ever receive from him, so she wanted to cherish it instead of being upset by it.

The first people Imelda told were her brothers. Of course they were very supportive... though they couldn't help but be worried about their hermana. Pregnancy hadn't been easy on her the first time, and this time she would be going through it without Héctor. Imelda assured them that she would be fine, but they were still nervous.

The hardest part would be what came next: telling Coco.

"Coco? I need to talk to you, querida," Imelda called her daughter inside from playing with some of the neighborhood kids.

"¡Si, Mamá!" Coco ran to her mamá, holding her hand once she was close enough to. "¿Que esta pasando?"

"I want you to come with me to my room so we can talk about something important."

"Okay, Mamá."

Imelda took Coco to her bedroom and sat her on the bed before taking a seat beside her. Coco was very curious what her mother wanted to talk to her about. Imelda took a deep breath, ignoring how her stomach was churning from both anxiety and the baby.

"Coco... you know how some of your friends have little brothers or sisters?"

"Uh-huh! Ángel has two baby hermanas!"

Imelda smiled as Coco swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Do you think you'd like to have a baby sibling?"

"I think it'd be fun!"

That answer gave Imelda a lot of peace of mind. She could relax as she continued the conversation.

"You remember how I told you I haven't been feeling very well some days? I've had to sleep a little more or eat a little more. Well... the reason I've had to do those things is because I've been sleeping and eating for two people, not just me."

Coco tilted her head to the side, not fully understanding what Imelda meant. "¿Qué?"

Imelda giggled and took Coco's hand, placing it on her belly. "I'm having another baby, so you're going to be a big sister."

It took Coco a moment to process what she'd been told before it fully registered in her mind. She gave a tiny gasp, looking up at her mamá. "Really?"

"Really," Imelda said, kissing her daughter's cheek.

Coco squealed and hugged her mother around her waist, resting her head on Imelda's middle. Imelda laughed and hugged back, beyond relieved that Coco was excited by the news. To say that she had been nervous about Coco's reaction would have been a massive understatement.

"Now since I'm having a baby, I might not be able to play with you the way we usually do, but it doesn't mean that I love you any less," Imelda said as she held Coco's hands and looked into her eyes. "You are mi bebé primogénito, and you will always be the most important thing to me."

"I know, Mamá," Coco said and kissed her mother's cheek back.


The further she got into her pregnancy, the worse Imelda's health became. By the time she was in her third trimester, she was practically bedridden. She barely got any sleep, her back hurt more than she ever thought it could, and her Braxton Hicks were relentless. It was somehow way worse than when she had Coco.

Oscar and Felipe were obviously scared to death about her, but they had to put on a brave face for Coco's sake. The last thing any of them needed was for Coco to realize how serious her mother's condition was becoming.

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