two: the shittiest idea ever

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Chase. A rich man whore of a kind. His daily routine went like:

I wake up. I pee. I poo. I pet my cat. I go back to sleep. I wake up, then I eat, maybe. Then I go to work. Then I go to a date, and make another kid, unless if they keep it. After I go to bed and do the same thing all over again. Half of my statement was a joke, because I don't wake up.

I am bored. I will now go to text the group chat called "🐐" and say a cool idea for real.


chase: wsg


chase: wsg


chase: bro the

erin: hi chase!

chase: HI ERIN WSG

erin: i am good 😋

chase: erin i have an ideaaaaa

erin: what is your ideaaaaa

chase: we go on a plane and we do stupid stuff and get to the area we need to go and do more stupid stuff there

erin: sounds great!!!


audrey: ok

erin: hi audrey!

audrey: hi!!!

chase: audrey

audrey: chase

chase: iwant to o to the airport

audrey: can i go with you!

chase: yea

erin: i like airports theyre better than ass

chase: but

erin: but

chase: ass 🥺

erin: airports >>>

chase: shut up

erin: no you shut up

chase: you shut up you no home chicken bone fatherless bro gnome


dylan: don't talk to erin like thta

chase: ok

erin: yea chase

dylan: wsg erin

erin: hi!!!!

dylan: missed u mommy 🥺🥺

erin: what

dylan: ur my one and only mommy

erin: the hell

chase: what about me bro!

dylan: youre like a husband to me instead we dont date nor married ♥

chase: i love you dilly willy because you're so silly

dylan: you too bro my chasey wasey

erin: wtf dylan


erin: uh chase since you want to go on an airplane

chase: i want to go to

audrey: you want to go to

dylan: you want to go to

erin: you want to go to

chase: australlia

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