three: shit i forgot to shit

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- dylan voice cracks constantly
- chase's voice is monotone
- audrey has a small chuckle mostly after every sentence she says
- erin is the mom of the group
- give no craps about grammar

Ok now back to the groupchat 😁

* * *
dylan: wait audrey can i drive down to ur house

audrey: sure!!!

dylan: ok!
arent you exceuted erin
i get to see you😛
and audrey

erin: no dumbfuck

dylan: ☹️
why are u so mean to me 😭😭😭😭

erin: Ok

dylan: :(

* * *

Erin and Audrey, being the indecisive duo they are, decide to go shopping around the nearest Target, specifically near Audrey's house of course (That's why Erin enjoys going to her place most of the time.) They scan through the aisles, only to look for he most irrelevant shit ever.

Erin walks around the corner ailse to see the shiny encased albums of her dreams. What Albums? Seventeen, BTS, TXT. You know, the ones she's really obsessive over. 

As the pair have a little dilemma over which album to buy— as if they'll ever touch it again—they run into Dylan, who surprisingly is in the Kpop Section (Is he a fanboy* 😱⁉️). Erin and Audrey glance at Dylan, who tries to escape from having a quick exchange. This is not how he wanted it to go.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Erin asks. The silence gets louder.

"Huh?" Audrey said as she tightly grasps the last Taylor Swift album in the area— they were scarce during that time.

"Holy shit, hi!" Dylan replies. He's too awkward.

"Why are you here?" Erin asks again. This time in a more serious manner.

"Wdym?" He lets out a sweat drop. His nervousness tightens.

Erin let's out a sigh, "Like why are you here in the Kpop section man? Like are you gay?"

"WHAT-" Dylan voice cracks, "NO?*"

"I'm just playing relax." Audrey and Erin let out a few giggles.

"So how'd you get here?" Audrey asks.

"I walked." Dylan replies. It's hard to see the sarcasm in the dude.

"Ain't no way you walked here from SD." Erin comments. Yeah, she takes him seriously.

"Hell yeah i did, mofo i started walking since april 27."

"Damn." Audrey exclaims.

"Nah, im juss playin. Got dropped off in the wrong place by an uber, walked for bout 3 miles with this heavy shit." Dylan lets out a groan as he drops the bags. Four heavy loaded with shit and other futile things.

"That's your fault man. C'mon guys let's just check out our things and hope Dylan doesn't get arrested for shoplifting." Erin exclaims. They walk down to the cashiers and she continues her exchange, "since we're early should we start heading to LA? I mean our flight will be tomorrow so we should head out right?" She continues to load the things onto the conveyer belt. An object drops to the floor. Erin rests her hand onto the canister and so does Dylan— it was unintentional. They both shriek at the moment. It just became more awkward for the trio.

Audrey eases the tension, "Sure, I mean since its the afternoon it'll be trafficy and stuff!"

"Ok then. Let's start loading." Erin grabs the grocery bags and Audrey helps Dylan bring the stuff down. They walk a few blocks until they reach Audrey's unit.

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