2: A actual ask!

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Baguette: someone actually asked us

Pizza: okay so the ask and dare came from Kitty_Icey that's a good username but lets not talk about that

Pizza: ask is for party hat and the dare is for slurpy

Slurpy: shoot-

Pizza: the ask is: party hat who is your friend?

Party hat: lemme check uhh Shieldy,Pizza,hotdog, Baguette i think- ,boombox and BOC i kinda don't know much about the others so i guess i choose them

Slurpy: then what's the dare

Pizza: you punching a rock


Pizza: i know but this is a dare/ask us

Slurpy: bro my hand is gonna be weak for like a wEEK-

Baguette: oof

Shieldy: try it i guess

Slurpy punches a random big rock since she is a plastic straw her limbs are weak so she feels extreme pain

Slurpy: OWW! *falls to the ground* why did i punch it so hard-

Shieldy: oh shoot

Shieldy: oh shoot

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Party hat: uhh you okay?

Slurpy: get me on a bed please-

Pizza: i mean- okay

That's the first ask or dare

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