4: What in the-

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Pizza: u h

Baguette: what?

Pizza: the next dare is from Cr1ng3-P1ll_S1mp and uh its a bit weird

Baguette: okay just show me what he has dared me

Pizza: This-

Pizza: This-

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Baguette: are you kidding me-

Party hat: PFFT-

Pizza: welp bye then

Baguette: Oh fuck you guys-

Party hat: JUST DO IT

Baguette: nO-

Shelly: it's a dare and ask us so you have to do it

Baguette: OH C'MON!

Baguette starts ascending while doing the dorime meme

Party hat: PFFT-

Pizza: wow okay

10 minutes later

Pizza: uhhh you okay?

Party hat: he ded

Shieldy: oh-

Slurpy: that was the weirdest dare ever.

(Sorry no drawings i was too lazy to make them-)

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