14. okay then

210 3 8

Pizza:  *Wheezing* okay!

Chocolatey: what- oh

Pizza: *Wheezing even more*

Pizza: Okay whatever- EVERYONE COME HEREE

They all yeet over here

Party hat: wut now

Pizza: here



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Pinecone: ...the first one, why

Baguette: *wheezing*

Chocolatey: yep

Pinecone: frick you all


Pinecone comes outta his room with Cat ears and tail

Pinecone comes outta his room with Cat ears and tail

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Pinecone: meow

Party hat: Oh damn this feels cursed lol

Boat: seriously yeah

Baguette: *Ahem* Next

Pizza: Boat-

Boat: i know-

Pizza: okay

(They were outside btw-)

Boat: uh- what do you call a fish with no eyes?


Boat: a fsh-

Pizza: ha

Party hat: Haha

-Insert everyone fake laughing-

Boat: that was a very stupid joke *starts blushing from embarrassment*

Baguette: it wasn't that bad but it's still bad

(A/N: I blame myself for drawing this at 1:27 AM)

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(A/N: I blame myself for drawing this at 1:27 AM)

Shelly: i can't blame you if you're embarrassed, cuz just imagine telling anyone a lame joke

Pizza: a bad one

Pear: yeah

Boat: I just found it online-

Baguette: of course the internet, full of bad jokes

Party hat: not all of them are bad!

Baguette: whatever

Shieldy: Last one! Sexualities ?

Shelly: I'm pansexual

Shieldy: you already saw my flag but, Bisexual!

Party hat: bisexual

Pizza: I'm- okay fine IM GAY-

Hotdog: Already knew that, anyways, I'm bisexual!

Baguette: straight as a ruler

Chocolatey: pfft- okay I'm bisexual

Boat: Aromatic, Or aro ace, Not really sure

Slurpy: Biromantic and Asexual

Popsicley: *Waves a lesbian flag* Lets goo

BOC: *lays a egg saying his Aro ace*

Boombox: not sure yet

Pinecone: I'm actually trans, and I'm panromantic

Pear: Straight of course

Scissors: I'm not sure yet

Pizza: Looks like there's only two gay/lesbian here

Shieldy: okay!

Baguette: thats all? Okay

Chocolatey: Byeeeeeeee

Pinecone: can i take this off now

Party hat: idk

(A/N: there you goo- and yes baguette is straight in my AU cuz Yeah-)

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