26: Shit

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(there's no drawings in here so, Sorry about that i was lazy)

Popsicley: Lets just get onto to the dare let's notwasteanytimeplease

Chocolatey: By BentoPX

Baguette: Shit Pizza is gonna kill Party hat

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Baguette: Shit Pizza is gonna kill Party hat

Party hat runs over here

Party hat: i heard my fuckin name

Shelly: Note that don't let kids get near Baguette,Pizza,Party hat,Popsicley, Coffee,Badgey, Frankfurter,Lemon, Scissors and Pear

Baguette: Noted

Party hat: Seriously what's da dare

Popsicley: *shows the dare to PH*


Baguette: yeah he is

Party hat: Fuckkkk

Later on

Party hat: *Running away from Pizza* AAAAAAAAAA-

Pizza: *Has a knife* GET OVER HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH-

Chocolatey: Yeah no this is very chaotic-

Slurpy: you say that now? We were already chaotic in the first place

Badgey: true

Baguette: uh anyways bye

Party hat: *trips* OH SHIT-

(A/N: Rip Party hat gonna get murdered by a Pepperoni Pizza-)

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