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During the party

Mr l/n- you know son. When we heard the news about your arrival. I eas totally shock. That another l/n was coming?..

Y/n- huh why?.

Mr l/n- it's been a long time that we pray that one day my son will come home. And the most shocking was. My son will be fighting the aswang here

Azazel- well gabriel contact the best warrior in japan. The 3 of us are relying on him. We experience monstrt attact there.

Sirzechs- not only that  those monsters are unknown to us. But with y/n it was easy fo him to know. So the best thing to contact is y/n over here. He has a weapon and a potion to fight them.

Y/n- it was true pops. Big bro zechs here knows me. The most.

Mr l/n- may i ask? Are you still going to school?

Sirzechs- he did  and azazel here was his teacher.if i am busy from work azazel here is the one who watches him. And pass the request if he will be on the misaion. Y/n is the best when it comes to tracking.

Mr l/n- and i hope his grades are high.

Sirzechs- haha well if you ask me. His grades was better. And here was his report card

Y/n- what! Since when did the report card has been release??

Sirzechs- haha ask sona about it..

Mr l/n read the card.

Mr l/n- well his card was exceptional. His intelegence was on the college level.

Azazel- that'a true!!

Y/n- haha..i wonder?? Pops do you have any alternative way to slay this aswang??

Mr l/n- i do.. and plenty of it..

Azazel- huh? I don't see any alternative way or a weapon.

Mr l/n-  fufuf there is no need for swords or weapons. All you need to do is to bring salt or garlic..

Azazel- what?! Is that the best wapon to use..

Mr l/n- it was true.. listen not only garlic and salt are delicious in cooking. It was more effective if you encounter an aswang.if you throw a salt to them  the aswang will be weaken. Aswang is no easy enemy. They can also shape shift like pigs  dogs and birds.

Sirzechs- i see hmm. How can we identify if a person is an aswang.

Mr l/n- according to an old saying aswang can easily to identify. If you look into their eyes  you can see your reflection was in reverse. And the other thing was they don't stare you face to face they are always bowing.. and one thing. If someone give you a food though that person is unknown to you pour some lemon juice on your food. Aswang also have tricks to hide the real identity of the items that thwy given to you..and lastly if they given you a normal food if you try to eat it it eas tasteless..

Sirzechs- so. That kind of monster was very easy to identify..

Mr l/n- not only aswang are the only ones who cause a trouble here.

Azazel- huh??

Mr l/n- there is also a mananaggal here.

Y/n- what kind of monster was that??

Mr l/n- The manananggal is described as scary, often hideous, usually depicted as female, and always capable of severing its upper torso and sprouting huge bat-like wings to fly into the night in search of its victims. The word manananggal comes from the word tanggal, which means "to remove" or "to separate", which literally translates as "remover" or "separator". In this case, "one who separates itself". The name also originates from an expression used for a severed torso.

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