Chapter 12: Breakdown

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Aside from Twister's deep breaths and the continued tocking of the dining room clock -perhaps the only thing that had not been damaged in the epic three-way battle- the house had fallen silent.

Sara stood staring at the mangled mess that was once the shape of a person, until the front door behind her creaked open, snapping her out of her astonished trance.

Officer Marrson shakily held up her gun, aiming it in Sara and Twister's direction. Her mask was pulled down onto her chin and her eyes scanned the room in horror. Her sight flickered through the trashed house from where Frost was hanging out of the wall, to Rain who was still amongst the shrapnel of wooden furniture with Sparkie's fluffy bulk standing over her, and then back to the bloody heap that was originally Hail.

With Twister still incredibly wound up, Marrson hadn't taken the best time to come barging in. He raised his head, hackles elevated. A beastly snarl emitted from his blood-smeared, curled-high lips, revealing a threatening display of his massive teeth.

Sara wasn't sure she could manage any more bloodshed at this point. With a spur of foolish bravery she stood in front of Twister, arms outstretched and blocking him. Like a barricade of reason between the both of them. Or perhaps it was just a thoughtless reaction of pure stupidity.

"Please. Just go!" Sara was proud her voice did not waver as she confronted the horrified police officer.

Twister's grotesque head slowly draped over Sara's shoulder. He moved with precision, eyes locked intensely wide and predatorily onto Marrson. His jaws stretched wide before snapping shut and baring with such a noise that it sent shivers down Sara's spine.

Officer Marrson was quite obviously terrified. She was very slowly backing back out towards the door, but a sudden loud crunch from further inside the house spooked her.

From the opposite side of the room Sparkie had stepped on some jaggered wooden panels that were once furniture. The officer's finger jerked back on the trigger and Sara squeezed her eyes shut as a bullet exploded out of the gun.

When it didn't strike Sara she slowly opened her eyes to see it floating, barely centimetres in front of her.
The bullet hovered, embedded in a focused, bright blue cluster of light; A semi-transparent shield which sent a buzzing throughout her body.

Sara had seen Twister strange glowy power before. But this time she did not just feel the energy of the glow, but little pings of emotion along with it. Amongst the buildup of pressure was a mixture of unbridled anger, frustration and desperation.

Sara tentatively, but curiously, tried to reach out. To push through the tiny little tears that the feelings trickled out from. But like a door slamming in her face, she was quickly shut out and left with the consolidating blue charge.

Twister's little forcefield seemed to become more and more pressurised in front of her until Sara's stomach lurched. Like the sensation you get when you experience a tall carnival ride and it suddenly drops.

Officer Scotts, his expression as equally afraid as his partner, rushed into the house at the last possible second to push Officer Marrson out of the way. The built-up wave, bullet in tow, exploded outwards.

Fortunately for the officers, the projectile missed them both and pierced through the wall instead- but the blast of light in tow smashed them both hard against the wall.

Sara didn't bother to check to see if they were unconscious or dead. Her concerns were totally elsewhere. Instead, she left them slumped on the floor and dashed up the battered stairs, heading to her parents bedroom.


The image of Sara's parents bodies was not something she would ever forget.

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