Chapter 29: Shower Talk

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Sara's legs were lightly quivering like jello as she leaned against the tiled wall of the shower. The warm streaming water was rhythmically soothing and she let it pelt against her overtired muscles.

Sara let out a sigh. She had been left alone to 'further recover'. But after three days of sleep Sara wanted to do anything but rest more in bed.

Thoughts were far too heavy on her mind anyway. So she'd decided to distract herself by cleaning herself up... Forcing herself to keep her body moving... Keep herself active and not just give in and potentially drown herself in the shower.

Could you drown in a shower? Maybe Sara would be the first, she thought dramatically.

Yes, you are being rather dramatic. Sara imagined a voice responding to her thoughts.

Ashlee had tried her best to fill Sara in to what she'd missed while she was out cold. Gently fill her in, as Ashlee had put it. Except, it didn't really feel especially gentle at all. It was a lot to take in. And what she had been told repeated over in her mind and continued to disturb her. It kept her dark thoughts rampant.

What Sara had overheard at Gates secret underground side lab was allegedly true. People were dying. Specifically humans were dying. And it wasn't the flu or an exotic strain of diphtheria. But it was contagious and spreading alarming fast. With the virus having become resistant as it mutated against any remedy thrown at it. The planet was in a panic.

Laura had returned to her family despite the chaos and the very real possibility she was infected. Lee did not make it, and Ashlee refused to go into more detail than that.

Drayton was building somewhat of a safe haven -or fortress if you'd prefer. But he was being very picky about who he allowed in. Most humans were turned away from the main estate, which was the heart of his operations. Sara was struggling to understand exactly what that meant, but Ashlee had assured Sara that where they were was safe. Drayton's status and accumulation of real estate had paid off. Whatever that was supposed to mean.

It means... Loaded... Will see it for yourself if you ever... That bathroom.

Sara's thoughts stalled. Ashton's words in her head were choppy and hard to hear.

"Wait. Ashton!?" Sara asked out loud.

The one and only. The voice responded back.

It sounded crackly and far away, like a radio with a bad signal. But it was absolutely Ashton.

Sara shrieked. Her hands zoomed to shut the water off and pull down the towel she had draped at the top of the shower screen. She haphazardly wrapped it around herself.

"What the hell Ashton! You're peeking at me in the shower?"

A soft static mumble responded.

Ashton! Sara tried screaming at him in her head as she covered herself tighter with the towel.

.... Relax.... Can't see anything.... Prob- Was Ashton's stunted reply.

What? So you're just listening to me in the shower? That's not any better!

More incomprehensible speech.

Ashton? I can't hear what you're saying.

You need more practise. Ashton's voice suddenly became audibly louder. I'm about to have a brain aneurysm trying to keep this connection long distance by myself.

Good, Sara hissed telepathically. Whatever it takes for you to stay out of my head

Confident he couldn't see her, Sara made her way out of the ensuite.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10 ⏰

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