Chapter 8: The Abyss

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There was the sound of running water. Almost every inch of Ryoko's body had been pierced by a cold sensation. He let out a groan while trying to sit upright while his whole body screamed in pain.

"Ow, this hurts like hell..."

He scanned his surroundings but it was quite dim. Luckily, there were green stones that emitted light. Now he wasn't blinded by the darkness. Half of his body was submerged in a river which was probably the reason why he was still alive.

"I was lucky I landed on this river... I wonder... If Hajime is ok."

However, Ryoko's survival was just pure luck. He must have fall in an area where the cliff had a puncture, which leak water sprouted out like a flood. There were countless waterfalls here, and these waterfalls blew away Ryoko time after time gradually he was thrust to the wall. In the end he was pushed out of a tunnel that was similar to a waterslide. When he was flying out of the tunnel Ryoko hit his head and lost consciousness.

"Achoo! I-it's cold."

He was submerged in the cold water for so long his body was completely cold. At this rate there was chance he could catch hypothermia, Ryoko quickly got out of the river and took off his clothed wringed them.

Finding a few pieces of coal he gathered them in one place and he performed the "Spark" magic.
A simple spell even a child could perform. However, he didn't have the proper aptitude to perform spell.

So it took him about 10 minutes to finished the magic formation and started chanting to activate it.

"I seek fire, The power of light, Manifest, "Spark". "

He invoked a fist-sized flame which finally gave him the warmth he needed. He set his clothed near the flames to dry it.

"I wonder if there is a way out of here... Can I really return?"

His body temperature finally returned back to normal, but he gradually gets anxiety. Ryoko wanted to cry, he wanted to returned back to his world and just think of his journey to Tortus as a mere dream.

Tears started to form, but he knew if he cried now he'll only fall deeper and make his journey back home even harder. So he wiped his tears away and slapped his own cheeks.

"I have no other options, I have to find a way back..."

Ryoko had a look of determination after he muttered a few words encouragements to himself.

After about 20 minutes the clothes were fully dried and warm. He wore his clothes and sets off. Ryoko wasn't sure what was the floor level in which he resides in, but he was sure it hadn't been explored yet. It wouldn't be strange to have monsters lurking around. He carefully proceeded to walk down into a huge passage that lead into the depths.

The passage he proceeded in felt like a cave. Rather than a low-rise square passage, the passage had rocks and walls protruding in many places and it winds around complicatedly. It was similar to the previous room on the 20th floor, the only difference was the size. The complicated passage full of obstacles was about 20m in diameter. Even the more narrow places was still 10m in diameter. Although it wasn't a walk in the park, there were other places to hide and advanced stealthily from hiding area to hiding area.

The worst part this was he had lost his weapon during the fall. It must have landed somewhere around this dungeon.

He pondered how long has he been walking. Fatigue started to set in until he finally reached a fork for the first time. A huge crossroad was presented to him. He wondered which path he should take.

(If you can't tell, a fork here means a path with three opinions to take.)

Suddenly, he senses something. Ryoko quickly hid behind a rock. He quietly peeked his head out and saw something from a distant. It had long ears and it looked similar to a rabbit. However, it's size was similar to a mid-sized dog and it's hind legs were very mascular. Guess, this thing didn't skip leg day. The creature also had several dark lines running along it's body like blood vessels, the lines also pulsated like a heart. It was creepy as hell.

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