(Vol 3) Chapter 10: Haulia Tribe and Encounter

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The cries and screams of the Rabbitman echoed inside the (Raisen Great Canyon).

They scrambled around, hiding behind rocks to hide from the incoming monsters, but even so, their hiding places can still be seen. There were probably about 20 Rabbitman hiding, and if you count those who were running around and trying to dodge the monsters relentless attacks, then in total, Ryoko could spot about 40.

Flying demonic beasts were a rare sight for them, especially when they were confined underground for a long time. The flying demonic beasts had the appearance of a wyvern, sprouting wings that was about 3-5 meters with sharp claws and fangs, equipped with razor sharp thorns and a deadly tail with a mace-like organ at the end.


Over Hajime's shoulder, Shia's trembling voice couple be heard. It seemed those Wyvern were called "Hyveria". In total, there were six, and they were circling around the sky, waiting for an opportunity to catch the cowering Rabbitman.

After spotting the right opportunity, one of the Hyveria dove towards one of the large rocks where some of the Rabbitman were cowering in fear. It launched it's tail, swinging it at the boulder and pulverizing the rock into pieces. The Rabbitman screamed and panicked, running around in all directions, not knowing what to do.

It let out a fierce roar, striking fear and paralyzing them in place. A rabbitman could be seen desperately shielding a child from the fangs of the Hyveria, who was interested in devouring it first.

Despair plague the Rabbitman's minds. No one was safe from these creatures, and no matter where they run or hide, they would always find them. That was until this happen...


A blurred shadow swooped passed the Hyveria, and in a single moment, the head of the beast had been cut off. The head fall right before the Rabbitman who was trying to protect the child.

Meanwhile, there was a whistling sound of an object falling. The Rabbitman were shocked when they looked up, seeing one of the Hyverias quickly falling to the ground with one of it's arms missing. Blood was rapidly escaping through it's arm, and at the same time, they could almost hear the sound of the Hyveria writhing in pain. It plummeted to the ground, skidding across the earth as it continued to feel the intense pain inflicted. The Rabbitman took a few steps back, confused as to what was happening.

"Wh-what is..."

The man tried to cover the child, and he could only utter a few words in confusion as his eyes glanced at the young man with a dark sword.

"Who are..."

Before he could finish, Ryoko had vanished in an instant.

When he heard the unfamiliar sound of a distinct explosion, he could only see a flash pass by. Suddenly, the Hyveria collapsed, causing the earth to shake. When he finally came out from after the miniature earthquake, it was dead already.

Seeing this, the other Hyveria roared out of anger and sorrow. The cowering Rabbitman covered their sensitive ears upon hearing the frightful roar. The roar was comparable to the sound of a jet engine. However, in the distance, a voice to the source. What they saw were two black vehicle traveling in their direction, with one of them being driven by a girl with long blonde hair.

They saw a familiar member of their tribe in the back seat, looking scared and worried at the same time. In the morning, when they had woken up, they found her missing and obviously worried for her safety, the entire tribe went to search for her whereabouts. It was true that it was her fault that they were in this mess, and if she hadn't been wondering around the canyon, none of this would have happen. The girl felt a pang of guilt, repeatedly criticizing herself for inadvertantly endangering her tribe. She tried to conceal her feelings with outward cheerfulness, but even they can see that it was just a facade to hide her guilt.

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