It was getting late and Hongjoong was strolling through a park, watching the sun set as he pulled his heavy suitcase along. He stopped at a tree, dropping his bags and pulling out a single blanket and laying it on the ground. "This'll have to do, I guess." he mumbled to himself as he sat down on the blanket. He looked around the park, noticing all of the dog walkers and joggers making their way out of the area and back to their homes. Hongjoong curled around in his blankets and let himself drift off to sleep under the stars.
Later in the night, Hongjoong's felt himself tug onto the blanket as he flipped over and over. His eyes shot open and he sat up, clinging onto his freezing body. He pulled his phone out and checked the time, 12:16. He groaned as he rubbed a hand over his face.
There was suddenly a loud noise followed by voices. He whipped his head in the direction of the noises and saw two men, one a bit older trying to get a hold of the other who was furiously yelling and fighting back. Hongjoong then thought back to the night before. That if that person hadn't stepped in and stopped the man who was attacking him, who knows what would have happened.
He pulled his courage together and stormed towards the two males. "Hey!" He surprised himself with his strong tone as he called out. "Get your hands off him!"
The two immediately stopped and whipped their heads towards the red haired boy. Hongjoong suddenly froze. Fuck. Now what?, he thought to himself as he stood there. He took a deep breath and tightened his fists as he closed the distance between them. He raised his closed fist and punched the perpetrator square in the jaw. He stumbled onto the floor and grunted in pain. "Get the fuck away before I call the cops." Hongjoong threatened through gritted teeth. The man scrambled onto his feet and sprinted out of the park. He stared after the guy, completely forgetting the other male behind him. That was, until he spoke up.
"I could've handled that myself ." The mama said coldly as he folded his arms over his chest.
Hongjoong turned around and stared at the male in front of him. Jet black hair fell over his forehead. He wore a neat black suit and shiny shoes and carried a briefcase. Shit, he's hot, he thought as his eyes wandered up and down.
"Sure 'cause you definitely were taking care of it." Hongjoong rolled his eyes sarcastically as he stuffed his hands in his hoodie pockets.
The male huffed a scoff as he looked away from the red haired boy. He picked up his briefcase and plopped a cigarette in his mouth before lighting it and began walking. "Stupid shortcut almost got me in serious trouble." Hongjoong heard the male mumble on his way out. He shook his head as he returned to his makeshift bed, sighing as he laid down on the soft blanket that was collecting dew from the grass.
Hongjoong sat at the bar counter once again, sipping on the liquor in the shiny glass he held. He chugged the rest of the liquor in one swig and clashed the glass against the bar counter. His friend, Mingi stood on the other side of the bar as he poured more rum into Hongjoong's glass. "Did you hear what happened?" the tall male asked his friend, his tone dropping.
Hongjoong swirled his glass around as he looked up at his friend. "What do you mean? What happened?" he asked Mingi as he set his glass down on the table. Mingi put down the table cloth he had been holding and looked at the red haired male. "The CEO of Park Hotels is trying to marry his son off to another big company."
"So? Why would I care?" Hongjoong asked dryly.
"I don't know. It's just big news at the moment. Apparently he wants him to get married to the son of the CEO of Kang Studios." Mingi explained.
"Oh yippie for him" Hongjoong said flatly as he swirled the glass in his hand, zoning out.
"But I heard somewhere that he's such a stuck up jerk that he doesn't even want to run the business."
"Damn, sucks for him." Hongjoong once again said flatly as he looked at his glass of rum.
The sun was up high in the air, shining its bursting rays as Hongjoong walked along the city pavement, still dragging his bags behind him. Suddenly, a shiny black limousine pulled up next to Hongjoong. He stopped abruptly and watched the vehicle pull up to the pavement beside him. The window in the back seat rolled down and the driver got out and made his way to the other side and stood beside the car.
The window rolled down, revealing a sleek looking man, possibly in his late forties with black hair slicked back, showing off his forehead and sharp eyebrows. Hongjoong immediately knew who this man was. He was one of the most successful businessmen in all of Seoul with one of the most high-end businesses in South Korea. The man in the vehicle turned and looked Hongjoong up and down, taking in every part of him; from his red hair and many ear piercings, all the way to his baggy jeans and untied shoelaces.
"Kim Hongjoong?" The man stated more than questioned. His voice was stern but noticeably hoarse and fragile. Hongjoong bowed ninety degrees to the older male and straightened himself after hearing him clear his throat. He straightened out his clothes and waited for the man to say something. "I would like you to take a ride with me." He said with a slight smile and waited for Hongoong's response. The red haired boy bowed once again, informing the man that he would love to. He couldn't say no to such a notorious man.
He had no idea what was going on. Did he actually see his application and want to speak to him? He had no idea what any of this meant. The younger looking man that stood beside the car approached Hongjoong and picked up his back before going to the trunk and placing his things inside. He walked back over to the door of the backseat and opened it, waiting for Hongjoong to get in. Once he did, he shut the door and got back into the driver's seat and drove off.

Stolen Love | Seongjoong
RomantikAfter running away from home, Hongjoong finds himself in a tight mess. Working at five different jobs can only get you so far. One day he meets a man who offers him an unexpected job. In exchange for enough money for his college tuition, Hongjoong h...