Hongjoong was sitting in his bed, the heavy blankets draped over his legs as he held the book he was reading up close. The dim, golden lights from the lamps overcasted a shadow on the words he was reading. He couldn't hold in his excitement. Tomorrow was his first day of college. He had finished the application as soon as he got the call from the CEO that the fees were taken care of. He was forever grateful for the opportunity. He yawned as he took off the round glasses that sat on his nose bridge and placed them on his bedside table along with the book. He turned off the lamp and drifted off to sleep, excited for the next day.
Hongjoong woke with a start. He jumped out of bed and immediately got ready, not sparing a single second. Once out of the shower, he dried his hair and toes a towel around his waist before walking back out to his bedroom. That was when the door creaked open and surprisingly Seongwha's head popped in. Seongwha's eyes wandered the room before landing in Hongjoong by the bathroom door. His face immediately heated up seeing him in nothing but a towel and darted his eyes to the painting above the bed.
"U-Um..." he surprisingly stuttered. "Rowoon hyung asked if you wanted breakfast. He's made pancakes."
Hongjoong quickly tossed a shirt over his head and turned around, his face glowing red and eyes darting around nervously. "That would be great actually, thank you."
Without another word, Seonghwa shut the door and walked downstairs. "What's with your face? Are you sick?" Rowoon asked worriedly as Seonghwa took a seat at the island bench. He stared into nothing as his face continued burning up. "It's nothing. Don't worry." He eventually said.
He was joined not long later by a very happy and jumpy Hongjoong. He took a seat at the island bench next to Seonghwa and created Rowoon with a huge smile. That was when Seonghwa took in the younger's appearance. He couldn't deny he looked absolutely gorgeous. He was dressed in an oversized white shirt with a denim jacket with white paint splatters draped over. He had on black jeans and boots and his hair which was now faded pink, was styled down and lightly permed. He was decorated in necklaces varying from chunky to small and had multiple rings and earrings. Seonghwa realised he was staring and quickly distracted himself with the pancakes on his plate.
Hongjoong excitedly hopped off the bus and skipped towards the university campus, the music from his airpods dulling all other senses as all he could feel was excitement. As he skipped along the busy hallways of the arts department he noticed the odd stares he got from other students. He noticed the way other students presented themselves compared to him. He knew the university was more on the prestige side of universities in Seoul and that definitely was apparent in some of the students. He even recognised some of the students as famous billionaire's children. And he couldn't help but slowly feel a little out of place.
He was pulled back from his thoughts as he collided with something and fell onto the floor. He rubbed his aching head and stumbled to stand up. He noticed the taller figure still on the floor and reached his hand down to help him up. "Mingi?" Hongjoong exclaimed as he was shocked to see his best friend there. The said boy looked up, surprised and jumped onto his feet.
"Hongjoong hyung? Oh my god! What're you doing here?" Mingi happily squealed as he pulled his friend into a hug. That was when Hongjoong realised he hadn't caught up with Mingi since they last spoke at the bar the day after he got kicked out of his apartment. "Do you... have time to catch up? I'm pretty early for my class." Hongjoong questioned the taller. Mingi took a peek at his wristwatch before smiling at Hongjoong. "Sure, I don't have class for another hour."
They took a seat at the park outside and Hongjoong found it best to start at the beginning. "Right after I left the bar, I got a phone call for a job offer. You will not believe who I technically work for right now!"
Mingi looked at Hongjoong, waiting for the shorter to continue with a raised eyebrow. "Park Seonghwa. The CEO AKA his dad found out about my situation and is just allowing me to stay at his son's place and pay for my college tuition. I know that sounds crazy and it is! I just gotta do some small work around the house when the head butler is busy and a few other things."
"You're kidding me! Hyung, that's amazing! Wait... did you say Park Seonghwa?"
"Yeah why?"
A car rolled around to the curved drive in of the university. Hongjoong could not peel his eyes away and everything unfolded like a kdrama moment where the main lead walks in in slow motion. He watched as Seonghwa got out of the car and walked right past them into the building and the car sped off. "Fucking hell-"
After catching up a bit more, Hongjoong and Mingi realised they had business studies together next. It was one out of two of Hongjoong's classes for today and he decided to take it so he could start his own fashion company one day.
The two entered the lecture hall and everything felt so surreal in that moment. They took their seats somewhere in the middle row and waited for class to start. "Since you've just got here, I'll send you all my notes."
Hongjoong smiled in gratitude at his friend but in a matter of seconds his eyes were peeled away from his friend and now watching the man enter the room. "Mr Park, it's very unusual to see you late to my class." The lecturer stated as she eyed the man walking into the room.
"I'm so sorry Mrs Lee, I had a meeting beforehand." Seonghwa said as he took a seat in the back row.
"Who am I to tell you what to do? I don't care if you come late to my classes and miss out on the whole content. You're your own individual with your own company on the line. Don't come crying to me when you're in a business situation and don't know how to deal with finances."
After the lecture was over, Hongjoong still had one more class which was fashion design. He hoped it would be a lot more interesting compared to business. Before Hongjoong could hurry off, Mingi called out to him. "I've actually been meaning to ask you something. Do you wanna come work at the bar? We're hiring recently and my mind immediately thought of you."
"Really? I can get a job there?"
"Of course! My boss already knows who you are because you used to come by so often. I already checked with him and he's happy for you to come by tomorrow."
Hongjoong jumped into Mingi's arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Mingi just chuckled as he held his friend close. There was a very noticeably agitated clear of the throat behind them and Hongjoong removed himself from Mingi before turning around, shocked to see Seonghwa there.
"My father spent so much money to send you here and all you do is play lovey dovey. You're also blocking the way dumbass." Seonghwa stated, his face blank from any expression as usual before walking away but then turned around. "Oh, and be out front by three. I gotta drive you home."
Hongjoong looked down at his watch. It was only noon still and his next class was only two hours long. He looked up at Mingi. "Wanna hang out after class? I'll have some spare time before I gotta go."
"Sure." Mingi replied before they split ways.

Stolen Love | Seongjoong
RomanceAfter running away from home, Hongjoong finds himself in a tight mess. Working at five different jobs can only get you so far. One day he meets a man who offers him an unexpected job. In exchange for enough money for his college tuition, Hongjoong h...