~Chapter Twelve~

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It had been two weeks since Hongjoong left the mansion and began staying at Mingi's apartment. He found residence on the couch as he tugged his blanket over his body. Over the past two weeks, he had attended his classes. He tried his best to avoid Seonghwa but the said black haired male ws making his job easy by avoiding him. The day after he left, Seonghwa tried talking to him and explaining himself but Hongjoong kept ignoring him.

It hurt Hongjoong. What Seonghwa said hurt him. He knew he was just a nuisance but hearing it from Seonghwa hurt more. He remembered the time they talked while Seonghwa worked in his study. How Seonghwa opened up to him about the engagement and then he remembered when Seonghwa lashed out he mentioned he would be getting married next month. It had already been two weeks since then, just how far away is it now? He remembered passing Seonghwa and Yeosang in the hallways and how distant they looked.

Hongjoong laid on the couch and scrolled through his social media. He came across a news article Wooyoung had reposted. It was an official statement by Park Hotels. 'The heir to the company, Park Seonghwa, will be getting married and joining companies with the son of Kang Studios later this month.' Hongjoong sighed as he turned off his phone and put it away. He turned on his side and tried to let sleep consume him. Yet one thought kept eating away at his mind; Will he really go through with it?

He eventually drifted off to sleep.

Hongjoong walked into his room after a long day of work and collapsed onto the warm covers of his bed. There was a knock at his door and he stood up to open his bedroom door. Seonghwa stood in front of him, face inches away from him and eyes staring down at him. His black hair was slicked back and he wore a black tailored suit. Hongjoong's eyes drifted all over the male's slim body and when he looked back up at his chocolate brown eyes, something completely took over. Seonghwa lunged at him, attacking his lips with sensuous kisses as he brought his hands to hold his waist and the back of his neck. Seonghwa leaned forward a bit, deepening the kiss. Hongjoong whined into the kiss and he could feel Seonghwa smile against his lips. He brought his hands to the back of Seonghwa's neck, tugging on the strands of hair. Seonghwa began stepping forwards without breaking apart, leading them to Hongjoong's bed and he slowly guided him down onto the soft mattress.

In a blink of an eye, the scenery changed. Hongjoong now stood in what looked like a church. He wore a white suit and stood in the first row of pews alongside Mingi, Wooyung and San. A round of applause and cheers erupted around him as a figure walked down the aisle. Seonghwa came to stand in the centre of the beautifully decorated arch. And then another round of applause. Yeosang joined Seonghwa at the end of the aisle, intertwining their hands. The next thing Hongjoong knew, Seonghwa brought his index finger up to Yeosang's chin, pulling him closer and connected their lips. Cameras clicked and flashed and cheers erupted all around Hongjoong as he suddenly collapsed onto the ground.

Hongjoong jolted up, tugging on his blankets as he sat up. He grabbed his phone from under his pillow and groaned when it only read, 1:20. He had barely slept. And not to mention that dream... Hongjoong sighed as he fell back onto his pillow, hugging the blanket tightly as he stared up at the ceiling. He couldn't believe he just dreamt that. It was so embarrassing that he dreamt about Seonghwa kissing him. But it felt so real...

The next morning, Hongjoong packed his backpack for another long day at college and then worked all night. He had been working so much, especially night shifts. But he couldn't say no, he needed the money. He would pay back Seonghwa's father and Mingi and immediately find his own place. But as he calculated how much money he needed for rent and the college tuition, he needed to work a lot more night shifts to get that kind of money.

Hongjoong's walked through the busy university hallways, making his way to his fashion design class. Arriving at the workshop, he placed his stuff down at one of the tables and was soon joined by Wooyoung and San. The class was actually fun as they had begun working on their projects and Hongjoong spent most of the time drawing up designs in his sketchbook and looking at different fabrics.

After class was over, Hongjoong said goodbye to his friends and roamed the hallways. He had some time before he met up with Mingi to head to the bar for work so he strolled the hallways. He walked down a rather empty hallway that looked like a storage space for large instruments for the music department. Out of curiosity, he opened one of the doors and walked into the room. It looked like an abandoned band room. It was small and cramped. And seated at the piano in the corner of the room was Seonghwa, back slouched and his eyes blinking rapidly to hold back tears.

Seonghwa looked up at Hongjoong and his eyes shot wide. "H-Hongjoong!" he rushed to stand up and ran to Hongjoong who was still standing by the door.

"What do you want?"

"I'm sorry."

"Why would you be sorry? You told me yourself I was just a bother to you. Don't worry I'll never come near you again." Hongjoong turned and grabbed hold of the door knob but Seonghwa grabbed his wrist and spun him around.

"I-I was studpid."

"You hurt me Seonghwa. I know you hate me but do you know what it's like to hear that everyday? That you're unwanted and just a nuisance."

"I'm sorry Hongjoong. I was blinded by anger towards my father and took it out on you. I didn't want to face my feelings but with this engagement I can't sit still anymore. I'm sorry I was a jerk, you have every right to hate me and I'm sure I made your life a living hell for my own selfish needs." Seonghwa paused, waiting for some reaction from Hongjoong but ultimately got none. "The truth is... I asked my father to help you after you helped me in the park and I saw your situation. I felt bad for you for some reason. Maybe it was the kindness you showed me that night but I wanted to help you out. But I realise now, that I just burdened you even more. Maybe I should've just left you and wouldn't have to worry about my problems. I'll just get married next week and-"

Hongjoong felt a sudden rush of confidence waver through him. Seonghwa's words touched him dearly and before he could think, he planted his lips on Seonghwa's. Seonghwa gasped in shock at the rudeness and Hongjoong quickly realised his actions. But before he could pull back and make up some excuse, Seonghwa started kissing back. 

I'm not really happy with this chapter, I think the resolution was kinda boring and the beginning was boring. Anyway, they kissed. Thoughts? Why did Seonghwa kiss Hongjoong back? And why did he feel bad for Hongjoong to help him? What do you think will happen next? 

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