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         The deafening sounds of party
songs and boys shouting to the               rhythm, feeling every beat of the song fills the whole mansion and surface.

Lucky for the initiators of the noise that they have no neighbours within earshot with complains or maybe it was lucky for the residents to be inaccessible and far from the noise.
                         The scene inside the mansion was more tumultuous, the living room was turned into a blast.

  All kinds of energy, soft and alcoholic drinks stacking around with plastic cups and snacks.

The place was a mayhem but it was a predictable outcome when ten boys were to live together.
                  Choi Hyunsuk, the oldest of the pack toast his cup of booster to the air and speaks,

     "Everyone ! We won't be partying for maybe some months so let's..PARTY TONIGHT LIKE THIS IS THE LAST!!" and the rest follows, with their cheers.

Jumping and making random moves to the beat, the second oldest, Park Jihoon, notices Asahi who's just sipping while sitting .
            "YOU! " Jihoon startles Asahi, "Who are you saving your energy for? Dance before you ruin the vibe".

Asahi smirks which makes Jihoon call out to the rest of the boys, "Heyy guys! Give the stage and spotlight to Asahi. "
On seeing the anticipated crowd, Asahi states, "Don't blame me if you get more hyper. Yedams, drop the beat....LOUDER!"

       "It's YEDAM. No 's' sound! " , Yedam declared and got back on to his task. The boys laughs when Asahi does his robotic moves which was his in-built talent.
                 The party which started at 9' PM, dismissed at around 3' something with all of them wasted and pilling up on top of each other like disordered clothes .

There's always a reason for a party, like recently it was to congratulate Doyoung on his first breakup.

  Having a party everytime was their way of cheering up and accepting every misery.


"Cheer up! She might be your first love . But you can't close the door for your 'to be' last and forever love", Junkyu , said while patting Doyoung.

" She missed out on a fine guy. Doyoung hyung ! This party is for you being single and free to mingle again. Don't let the heartbreak swallow you, instead swallow this drink and PARTY!" ,  Haruto cheered.

Doyoung, thanked his friends who were like family and they all hugged together in warm embrace.

But Doyoung still needed time to move on and so he refused to join the party this time. He would've felt worse if because of him their last party - for some time being- was to be a killjoy. 

Therefore he excused himself saying he had a blind date planned for him by his friend. And won't be returning for the night.


         And tonight, it was a farewell party for partying as they were soon expecting a guest who isn't much of a party person .

Yoshi had requested the homies to let this guest in, who is his friend from high school in Japan.

Well the house was big enough to welcome some more people. And Hyunsuk liked the idea of his house turning into a boys dormitory, the more people, the more fun, he had thought to himself before he knew that the guest was a party popper.


"His name is Mashi-", Yoshi's words were cut off by Jaehyuk, "We don't need to know, we would just learn them ourself with our skills ", he winked.

         The other two Japanese boys, Asahi and Haruto liked the thought of another Japanese living with them. So it was agreed on by all to welcome the guest.


                Buzz... The phone buzzes, the youngest, Jeongwoo tugs Yoshi to turn off his phone. In his tipsy state, Yoshi rejected the call. The call log shows five missed calls and a message.

"Idk why you aren't picking up. Anyway, I'll be there in 30 mins, see ya Yoshi and thanks again
                                  Sender : Mashi"

           It's 12:30 PM and the boys toss and turn , more sleepier as they had strained their energies.

When  repeated ringing of door bell is heard, it startles them but are soon unbothered .
     The only ones sober, Jihoon and Junkyu, stare at each other realising they had terribly failed a welcome first impression.
Jihoon exclaims.

* my first time writing, so please forgive the errors and please comment to let me know how you like it .. Thanks for reading, will upload long chapters next time, if this gets read by at least some, I pray.    
(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

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