~Only a breath away~

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"Oh!" , Mashiho turns back to Junkyu whose eyes we're still following Mashiho as he was leaving for his room.

"Tomorrow, what time do you leave for your class? "

"After I wake up", Junkyu cracks a small chuckle but stops awkwardly when he  sees that the other is just dazed and not processing his humour.

" I mean, I attend classes after whatever time I wake up at", he clears.

" But why do you ask? "

"I was just wondering if you'll like to leave together after all, we are headed to the same university", Mashiho answers.

" That- that'll be nice", Junkyu expresses but it was more just than a simple 'nice' , he was happy. Happy that Mashiho felt close and comfortable enough to ask him to walk to their university together.

"Great! So that's me, you and Yoshi", he smiles and his eyes follows.

" Yoshi?... Yes, of course, he's more close with Yoshi ", Junkyu reasons when it hits him that it wasn't just two of them but three.

" We'll be leaving at 11am, hope it's fine by your time".

"Yeah, 11am works just fine", Junkyu nods.

" Okay! Then... Good night Junkyu hyung".

"Good night..... Mashi", Junkyu takes this chance to call the younger one with a pet name so as to mark their closeness.

The wide smile on Mashiho's face was evident that he approved? No, he liked it. And unlike Jaehyuk calling him Shiho out of endearment, he knew that Junkyu calling him by a pet name was more than endearment and more out of friendship.
              And that's how two nights of staying up late, playing games, silencing each other on laughing out loud and debating about the best player, they both became close to fall under the amazing term called 'friends', close friends. Well if some people are meant to be friends that can happen even within an interaction of an hour, right?


"Hyung... You're going to be late on your first day if you don't wake up. First impressions are very impo-".

Doyoung fails to finish his word, when he recalls his first time meeting Mashiho .

" Pathetic, pitiful, rude, that's probably how he perceived me and here I'm talking about first impressions ".

Doyoung closes his eyes and sighs, not wanting to be further reminded of his plundered first impression, he decides to leave.

" I'm leaving hyung, in the task of waking you up I don't want to end up late instead. Bye"

As he stands from his crouched posture, Mashiho let's out a mumble, "have a good day".

" You too hyung ".


                   A sleepy  Junkyu, checks his phone, trying to clear his vision he rubs his eyes.

Upcoming alarm 10:39 am, his phone screens and he dismisses it. Unlike his usual habit of snoozing off the set alarm for some more sleep, today he was 10 minutes earlier than the alarm .

Even though still wanting to sleep and complete his discontinued sweet dream, he wills himself out of the bed to the washroom.
                              Waking up some time later after Doyoung left, a freshened up Mashiho heads down for the mentioned breakfast.

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