Your Guide

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Just when they were about to leave for their rooms, Doyoung enters the lounge.

"Hey! Welcome back", Jihoon says which makes everyone else aware of Doyoung's presence.

" Hi! Guys. Well did you have a blast yesterday? "

"We did but I bet it would've been more fun with you around", Yedam states.

" Doyoung hyung, how about you? I'm sure your date would be looking forward to hearing those cringey pick-up lines of yours again", Haruto teases.

"Sadly, she wants a reserved guy and you know well, I ain't it".

They all stumble on what to reply, just then Jeongwoo mentions about their guest.

" Oh! Doyoung hyung, Yoshi hyung's friend arrived today and........we decided to let him share your room", he says with little emphasis on the last lines and smiles awkwardly.

"What? My room? Didn't we decide to let him stay in Junghwan's room for the time being? "

"Actually I called Junghwanie yesterday, concerning that but he was adamant with his denial. He says, his room is only for his stuffed  animals and himself. The guest room is still loaded with my parents stuff and God knows when they'll have it moved out. And we figured you have an extra bed in your room so...", Hyunsuk shrugs with his lips sealed together.

" If it bothers you then you can shift to my room and I can share your room with Majiho", Jaehyuk suggests.

"It's MaSHIho, Jaehyuk!", Yoshi sighs.

" That won't do. Your sleep talking will only scare that poor guy", Asahi utters finally shifting his attention from his painting.
Jaehyuk remains silent remembering how in his sleep talking he often embarrases himself.

"I don't like changing my room so I guess I'll just have to share it and it's not like I'll be sharing it for forever. Anyways I'm going to my room I'am worn out".

" He might be sleeping so make sure to be quiet as a grave okay? ", Junkyu reminds to which Doyoung nods with a small smile.

                         Once all the way up the stairs, Doyoung 's smile fades away as he remembers seeing his love, no, his ex in the arms of another guy. Laughing without a clue of the heart that still wants her back.

On the way home from his friend's house , he had decided to let her go and move on but who knew that he would see her on the street and who knew that he would be shattered yet again.

He looks up at the ceiling, to refrain his tears from falling. Each step he took felt heavy. From his blurry vision, he sees someone standing at the passage looking bothered.

"That must be him"


" Yes...kinda lost. Hi, i'am Mashiho by the way,Yoshi's friend".

Doyoung shakes Mashiho's hands after some few seconds but he avoids meeting Mashiho's eyes, anxious that his eyes would give out more about him and his pain.

Doyoung assists Mashiho back to the lounge and leaves shortly.
The rest of the boys on figuring that they had nothing to do, decided to just crash together in the lounge. They grouped in threes and were playing video games.

Everybody Adores You | Cutie Pie Moving Into Your   ̶H̶o̶u̶s̶e  HeartWhere stories live. Discover now