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| < bold with italics = thoughts> |
|< bold = direct speech>                |
|<~ = time span/ different scene>|                            

            All the way to unlock the door, they rustle and try making themself more presentable. Fixing their hair, smoothening their crumbled shirts and mirroring each other for a last check. They nod at each other, signalling that it was now time to open the door.

Junkyu pulled the door open, before them was the sight of a small back facing them. The person was busy dialing someone and mumbled "Am I in the wrong address? " .

            Living with three Japanese in the house had already made them familiar with the language. And among them, Jihoon was by far the most well versed with the language as he had classes for Japanese during his high school years.

But never had he thought the language was cute untill the small and tiny presence spoke or maybe it was his voice and not the language.

"Hi! Yoshi's friend? ", Junkyu asked in Japanese, interrupting Jihoon's thoughts.

The guy turned around to face them with his phone still on his ear. He gave them a beaming smile, bowing, he greeted them in Korean with little confidence in his enunciation .

" Hello! Iam Yoshi's friend, Mashiho. Thanks for letting me stay here. "

Wow! This guy is super cute, not only his face but everything about him is cute, his voice especially, they examined.

They were both processing this cute existence when the wind swiftly passed through them and brushed Mashiho's brown hair , making him struggle to prevent his hair from getting into his big doe eyes.

"Shit! Am I in a k-drama? Cause this feels like a cliché scene of first encounters, only missing the slow motion," Junkyu wonders.

"Yoshi! Why didn't you pick up? And stop the fan. My hair is being dishevelled", Mashiho pouts.

They both turn behind to see Yoshi with a mini fan in his hand.
" Oh! It was a .... fan", Junkyu reflected on his thought and looks down so that his embarrassment is not noticed.

"I'am sorry about the call and this as well ," he switches off the fan, "I thought you were hot, you were sweating. And guys now would you let my friend in? I don't want his milky skin to be sun burnt!"

"Oh... Oh! Sorry, please come in and you can leave your luggage, we'll put it to your room", Jihoon reassures.

" Thank you! "


         "I guess it's going to be hard living with them", Mashiho intuits looking at the mess in the living room. Mixed smell of drinks, leftover food, plastic wraps scattered and six guys on the floor, sofa, chair occupying every free space.

" Don't worry, this will probably be the last time you'll see such mess", Yoshi explains as if he had heard Mashiho's thought.

"Junkyu, can you please guide Mashi to his room? Me and Jihoon will wake the rest up".
Junkyu shows an okay sign and together with Mashiho heads to the stairs.

" You should've given me a heads-up ! I nearly had a heart attack ", Jihoon looks at Yoshi.

" What did I do?" Yoshi puts his hands up in confusion.

"You know I freak out with adoration when seeing cute things....or... person. AND! He is super cute like a live chibi", Jihoon resonates with glee in his eyes.

" Ha! I wanted to tell you guys more about him but Jaehyuk stopped me. Anyways let's wake the rest up, clean the house and... clean ourselves ", Yoshi said while scanning Jihoon.

" Hey what are you implying? You need a touch of water as well okay!", they both laugh.

                    "GUYS! WAKE! UP! ", Jihoon shouts while playfully kicking and shaking , the rest groans.

" Don't mind him, he was just born like that, you'll get used to it soon", Junkyu looks back at Mashiho who looks startled by the commotion.
"It's okay, I don't mind", he smiles.

" Umm... Do you understand Korean? Cause you see we are not fluent Japanese speakers except for Jihoon", Junkyu asks in hesitation as he thought he was running out of all the Japanese words he had learnt.

"Yoshi informed me that their are two other Japanese people here, I would have mistaken you as one of them, if you hadn't asked that. Your Japanese is laudable", Mashiho remarked in Japanese one last time before deciding to speak in Korean.

" I can understand and read a little but speaking is where I find it hard. But I think it will be more preferable for you guys to speak in Korean, in that way I can also learning (learn)".

A smile escapes Junkyu's face upon hearing Mashiho's Korean with an influence of Japanese accent and his mistake with the adverb. Junkyu simply nods in response.

      They reach the room, "You'll have to share the room with Doyoung, for the time being. Hope it's okay with you. He isn't here now but he'll be back anytime soon"

" I'am totally okay with that, it's more than enough that all of you agreed to let me stay here", Mashiho shyly smiles.

"He's as cute as a baby", Junkyu smiles in return and directs Mashiho to the bathroom.

" I also need to wash up so I'll go now, I'll be in the living room with the others if you need anything. You can rest meanwhile. See ya", Junkyu waves and quickly pulls his hand back.

"Thanks for the help and see ya too", Mashiho waves as well, sensing that Junkyu was embarrased about his action.

         After tidying up the house and freshening up, all the boys sit in the living room which is in total contrast to what it was long before.

" I think he's having a rest. Should we all just get to our task and maybe gather up when he is awake?, Jaehyuk suggests.

"Well, I did tell him to rest so maybe he is taking a nap? ", Junkyu adds.

                       " We took the stairs first, then left turn and right? No... Was it right and then left? Did we take more stairs? Arghh! ", Mashiho looks around trying to figure which path was to be taken.

The mansion was big, but the interior of the house was what confused him the most. Too many turns and stairs, looking all the same and his sense of direction was not helping either.

He had already wasted a good amount of time trying to figure out his way. He was tired and already exhausted from the drive and now this. One hand on his hips and the other on his forehead, he stood perplexed.

"Are you lost? ", a voice calls while placing a hand on Mashiho's shoulder. Startled, he quickly shakes off the hand on his shoulder and turns to find a handsome yet a cute guy but his eyes seemed to be drowned in sadness, almost ready to let the tears free.

" Yes, kinda lost. Hi! I'am Mashiho by the way, Yoshi's friend", he puts his hand out. There goes yet another awkward first encounter.

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