you two are dating!?

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Tokoyami POV
Walking into school I was almost nervous to see Kana...I mean we texted all say Sunday but today is the first real day of seeing my girlfriend...I have a girlfriend that feels really werid to say...
"Hey Tokoyami! How was your work week!?" My friend Shoji asks as I take my seat
"Yeah it was great thank was yours?" I ask him keeping an eye on the door waiting anxiously for Kana to walk in.
"Yeah it was really good! I learned a lot!" He says and continues to talk to me which I am semi paying attention to. Ashido walks in and I see her smirk at me and mouth "I know" which I figured that this would be the case as she is one of Kana's best friends.
"Tokoyami?" Shoji's voice suddenly comes through and I shake my head.
"Sorry Shoji I zoned out" I say honestly making my 6 armed friend chuckle
"You seem distracted is everything okay?" He asks me concerned
"You got to spend the whole week with Kaneki!" Mineta's voice can he heared screaming as he walks towards us catching everyone who was here's attention
"Yeah we both got offers for Hawks agency..." I say I mean I wanted to brag that the most beautiful girl in our class was my girlfriend but I wasn't too sure how Kana felt about making it public...
"That is not fair! She's such a uber hottie!" Mineta continues to drool
"Pull yourself together dude!" Kaminari says laughing and walking over to us
"But seriously I hate you too for that! Kaneki is so mysterious and sexy....very jealous you got to spend the whole week with her..." Kaminari laughs dragging Mineta away from Shoji and I.
"Honestly..." I mutter and Shoji laughs. One by one the rest of our classmates make there way in and the last to walk in was Kana. Who had her long hair shoved up in a messy ponytail with her fringe hanging out...Ashido jumps up and hugs her friend who she hasn't seen for a week but they do talk everyday...girls confuse me sometimes.
"Kana!" Dark Shadow says shooting forward and starting to rub around her like a puppy making her giggle and rub his head gently. Of course this doesn't go unnoticed by everyone as Dark Shadow never normally acts like this!
"Wait did he just call you Kana!?" Mineta says glaring at both Dark Shadow and I making Kana roll her eyes
"Yes he did now shut up" she says making her way over to me giving me a quick kiss on the tip of my beak "hi sweetie" she smiles and I feel smug as hell right now as I see practically everyone's mouths drop open
"What the fuck!?" Mineta screams
"Dude! You kept that quite!" Kaminari says
Once again Kana rolls her eyes before giving dark Shadow another head scratch and heading to her desk where I would spend the next few hours trying my best to not stare at her all day!

[Lunch time!]

Kana POV
I was sat with Fumikage, Shoji and Koda at lunch. I had Dark Shadow practically asleep on my lap as I stroke his head softly.
"I swear he likes you more than he likes me" Fumikage says to me chuckling
"I do" Dark Shadow says and I just giggle
"Dark Shadow be nice" I say as I continue to stroke his head
"So Kaneki how did you find work studies with Hawks?" Koda asks me
"Oh I loved it! I also met the sweetest little girl ever who said I was her hero and she wanted to be like me!" I say thinking back go Ari "it was definitely challenging though I spent most of my time running around after both Hawks and Fumikage!" I giggle and my boyfriend rolls his eyes.
"So when did..." Shoji asks pointing between Fumikage and I
"Saturday...although it probably wouldn't have without dark Shadow" Fumikage says rubbing the back of his neck
"I take full credit!" Dark Shadow says enjoying the head rubs
"Yeah yeah I get it buddy" I giggle down at the Shadowy form on my lap
"Took them long enough!" Mina calls from acorss the cafeteria and I laugh before holding up my middle finger which she returns.
"Tokoyami!" I hear the creepy little grape pervert and Kaminari says as they walk over
"What's up?" Fumikage asks them turning around before they both drop to the floor
"Please teach us!" They say and we all look at one another confused
"Umm...teach you what?" He asks
"How to get uber hotties like Kaneki...please...we need to learn from you" Mineta says and I have to hold back laughter at how weird this was and how awkwardly cute my boyfriend looks right now.
"I um...I don't really know what I did..." he says looking down at the two boys who were still on their knees
"Don't keep your secrets from you! How did you manage to pull a perfect 10!" Mineta continues
"He managed it because unlike you he's not a little creep who only looks at a women's body..." I say looking down at Mineta and Kaminari
"You want to get a to her...get to know her...not just stare at her boobs..." I continue "also why are you so shocked that he and I are dating?" I ask a little pissed at what they were implying
"Well...I mean...not to be rude but I think you're a little out of his league" Mineta says and I glare at him
"Dark Shadow jump up a second honey" I say tapping the shadow who groans but does as he's told. I then turn all the way around to face Mineta and grab him by the collar pulling him in close "alright listen here you little fucking pervert you ever say that to him again and I promise you I will make sure you stay in your own personal nightmare for the rest of your life which is probably that you will die a it..." I hiss and tears start to form in his eyes and both him and Kaminari apologise to Fumikage and quickly run away. I look at the 4 boys now staring at me and I just giggle.

Tokoyami POV
The bell for the end of lunch does and Kana stands up
"See ya later...gotta go and get changed for gym" she smiles before walking away
"Dude...she's scary when she wants to be" Shoji says laughing
"That's my girl" I smile watching her walk over to Ashido as they walk to the changing rooms.

[End of day]

I was waiting outside the school gates for Kana and honestly what Mineta said was still on my mind...I mean I'm not an idiot I know it's unusal for a girl like Kana to go for a guy like me I mean I would have expected her to go for someone like Todoroki or even just didn't make sense to me I mean she could literally be a super model! So why settle for a dark and moody guy with a bird head?
"Stop thinking I can hear your thoughts" dark Shadow scolds me and I roll my eyes suddenly I feel a small weight on my back
"Hi baby!" Kana says cheerfully as she kisses my cheek
"Haha hi you made me jump then" I say as she let's go and gives me a proper hug.
"Sorry...come on!" She says grabbing onto my arm was we begin the walk back to our houses. I think she can tell that something is off because I have been quiter than normal "hey...everything okay?" She asks me softly
"Hu? Oh no I'm fine don't worry" I lie and she looks at me in a way that gives away that she knows I'm lying
"Come on Fumikage...what's up?" She asks me hugging my arm tighter
"It's just what....Mineta said earlier..." I sigh looking away
"What? Why?" She asks me confused
"Kana...look at you and then look at me okay? It just doesn't make sense why you would go for a guy like me when you have people like Todoroki and Bakugou..." I say and she just continues to look at me
"Oooookay...but I don't like them...I like you...a lot actually" she says looking up at me "and just for the record...I don't think I'm out of your league..." she smiles at me "look don't worry about what they said okay? And stop thinking that you aren't good enough for me okay? I like you just the way you are...I wouldn't change a thing" she says hugging my arm so that she can rest her head on my shoulder as we continued the rest of our walk home in comfortable silence...I really really have fallen for this girl...and I may not know why it fully understand why she picked me but I'm glad that she did...

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