First Encounters

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Tokoyami POV
"Tokoyami get off of the desk!" Iida scolds me while I'm sat on my desk talking to Jiro and Shoji
"You need to chill dude" Jiro says turning to look at me and I need to bite my tongue to not laugh and Iida's face. He then carried on saying about how he can not chill because of respect for our previous upper class men... I guess I can see where he's coming from so I'm about to jump off when we hear the softest voice ever
"Um...excuse me I just want t double check is this class 1A?" Iida and I both turn around to see a small girl with long black and purple hair. She has the biggest purple eyes and the longest eyelashes. She was honestly hands down the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in the world!
"Yes this is class 1A" Iida says looking down at her
"Oh then that will make you all my classmates...I'm Kana's nice to meet you" she says bowing
"I'm Tenya's a pleasure to meet you too" Iida says also bowing down. I'm still stunned by her that I completely forgot that I may need to introduce myself as well
"This is Fumikage Tokoyami" Dark Shadow says making me and the other two jump and they both look at me. Of course Dark Shadow doesn't make an appearance and it just looks like I introduced myself in the 3rd person
"Oh um...hi" she says shyly before walking away to her seat and sitting down facing away from me
"Well that went well..." dark shadow whispers
"Shut up!" I hiss at him looking over at her again...she is trying her long hair up in a messy bun.
"Keep staring at her I don't think you're acting like a stalker just yet" dark shadow whispers to me again
"I told you to shut up!" I hiss at him again...if anyone was to look over now I swear I would look mad!

[Time skip]

Kana POV
" Kaneki what's your quirk?" Mydoria asks me with a big smile on his face
"Oh my quirk is called nightmares.." I say hesitantly admittedly with how my quirk sounds and works I would be better suited to be a villain...much to my distaste
"Oh cool how does that work!?" Uraraka asks excitedly
"Well using my eyes I can send my opponents into their deepest fears and worst nightmares and keep them there until I blink..." I say nervously now playing with my hair
"That sounds bad ass..." Kaminari says walking over to us
"I um...I guess" I say quietly...I couldn't help but look over to Tokoyami he was dark and mysterious...very intriguing to me...something about him drew me to him...His quirk is amazing to!
"I see you Kaneki.. " Ashido says making me jump a mile
"Hu?" I ask her confused
"I can see you looking at Tokoyami..." she whispers and I feel my cheeks heat up
"No of course not!" I whisper back at her
"Admit think he's cute" she continues and I just roll my eyes...i had met Mina Ashido a while ago and she had slowly became one of my best friends. "You totally think he's adorable!" She jokingly says to me and I roll my eyes.
"What are you two whispering about?" Kaminari says making me jump
"Fucking hell Kaminari!" I squeak
"Language Kaneki!" Iida scolds me
"Sorry dad" I say jokingly rolling my eyes.

[Time skip]

"Nona...I'm home!" I call out to my grandmother
"I'm in the kitchen sweetheart" she calls back and I make my way into the kitchen. "Tell me all about your first day!" She says excitedly as she puts a cup of tea down for me
"Well my class is very interesting and my teacher is the pro hero esaser head" I say and she looks at me with wide eyes
"So any cute boys" she asks me teasingly
"Nona!" I say while giggling
"I'm only playing" she giggles I continue to tell her about the whole day the tests what my class mates are like. Of course I leave out the fact that I thought that Tokoyami was cute! After finishing up with dinner I decide to to to bed but of course Mina messages me.

Mina: Kana! You beautiful creator of nightmares!

Me: yes Mina my wonderful walking cotton candy princess what can I do for you?

Mina: I want to continue our conversation about your very obvious crush on Tokoyami...

Me: nope I'm out

Mina: you ain't going anywhere no speak!

Me: Mina I really don't know what you're talking about...

Mina: simple you think that Tokoyami is C U T E!

Me: okay so I find him cute what's the big deal!?

Mina: you totally wanna ask him out!

Me: Mina I just met today let's not jump to boyfriend straight away!

Mina: it will happen I swear!

Me: Jesus Mina serisouly!!!!

Mina: let me play match maker

Me: Mina I really don't think he would be interested...

Mina: no shut up...I know excatly where this is going

I just roll my eyes as the conversation carries on like this...granted I don't excatly have the best confidence levels.

[Meanwhile else where]

Tokoyami POV
I was lying on my bed scrolling through my Instagram and other social medias when an idea comes into my head. I type in the search bar "Kana Kaneki" and rest assured there she was...I clicked on her profile and looked through it a little
"Oh Fumikage now we're media stalking the poor girl?" He asks me in a teasing way
"Shut up I'm not stalking!" I say to him and he in turn rolls his shadow eyes
"She is cute though" he says now also looking at my screen as I swiped through her profile
"Yeah and very very much out of my league" I sigh closing down my screen and lying flat on my back looking at my black ceiling
"I wouldn't say she's out of your league completely..." dark shadow says
"Wow thanks that makes me feel better..." I mumble "look she's a beautiful girl and I'm with a bird head..." I groan pushing my hands over my eyes.
"Maybe she might like a you with a bird head" he says looking at me and I shrug my shoulders
"Pretty sure that's not the case but...I can only hope..." I mumble as she once again entered my mind where I can tell she will be living rent free...

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