❤N.R & W.M❤Little Angel

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  Hi!!! Would you be able to do one with natasha and wanda and the reader wakes up grumpy and is just having tantrums and not wanting to do anything apart from cling to natasha and wanda just lots of fluff please.

Y/N wakes up yawning before realizing she's alone in the bed. Feeling all alone Y/N starts to cry loudly feeling smaller than normal today. Y/N continues to cry until she feels strong arms around her waist. "Hey, it's okay. Shh I'm here little one. I'm right here" Natasha says softly. Y/N instantly wraps her arms around Natasha and Natasha does the same holding her close. Soon Y/N's crying softens and Y/N's hold eases. "Better little love" Natasha asks and Y/N nods. "Good, now let's get you something to eat" Natasha says picking up Y/N and holding her on her hip. Y/N holds on tightly to Natasha with her legs around Nat's waist. 

Natasha carries Y/N to the kitchen and grabs Y/N a banana and sits her down in a chair. Y/N whines loudly after being put down wanting to be close to Natasha. "Don't worry. I'll hold you when you're done eating" Natasha says holding out the peeled banana to her. "No" Y/N yells hitting the banana out of Natasha's hand. Just then Wanda walks into the room instantly smiling when she sees Y/N. She goes up to Y/N and kisses her on the cheek. "Good morning! How's my sleepy baby today"Wanda asks booping Y/N's nose. Y/N just starts babbling and reaches out for Wanda making grabby hands at her. "She's a brat, that's how she's doing" Natasha remarks picking up the banana off the floor.

"Oh hush Nat. I Know that's not true" Wanda says picking up Y/N and holding her. "She's always my little angel, aren't you cutie" Wanda continues giving Y/N kisses on her neck making her giggle. "Wan, she smacked the banana out of my hand just because I wouldn't hold her" Natasha says crossing her arms. "Ohhh, is that why acted up? Because mommy wouldn't hold you" Wanda says sweetly at Y/N who nodded silently. "My poor little angel. Momma will hold you! Oh yes she will! Since you're mommy doesn't want to" Wanda says making Y/N babble happily. "Hey! That's not fair. Wanda, she needs to learn how to eat in her own chair like a big girl. She doesn't need us 24/7, she can be by herself sometimes" Natasha explains and Y/N starts to cry.

"Natasha! Hey it's okay baby. Don't cry shh. Oh sweetheart" Wanda coos trying to calm Y/N down. Wanda carries Y/N into the bedroom and gets on the bed. She holds Y/N in her arms bridal style and rocks her back and forth. An hour goes by and Y/N hasn't stopped crying. "Oh please stop crying baby. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Tired? What do you want sweet girl" Wanda asks. Y/N tries telling Wanda but it just comes out in babbles and sobs. That's when Natasha walks into the room and Y/N reaches out for Natasha. "Still crying, huh" Natasha asks sitting on the bed. "No shit sherlock. God I don't know what's with her today" Wanda says tiredly. Y/N continues to reach out for Natasha as she cries and Natasha hols her hand.

 Y/N's crying starts to soften and Y/N gets out of Wanda's arms and climbs onto Natasha's lap. Natasha holds Y/N close as Y/N rests her head on Natasha's shoulder. "I'm sorry love. That was mean. I know you count on me to and Momma to take care of you and I should have realized how little you were today. I love you so so much" Natasha says stroking Y/N's hair. Natasha looks over at Wanda and instantly smiles at Wanda who has fallen asleep. "Looks like you made Momma tired" Natasha says giggling. Natasha looks at Y/N who has fallen asleep on Natasha's shoulder as well. "My sweet little angel"

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