❤A.M.R & W.V💜Rescue

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Checking the time on the computer I realize I lost track of time doing my assignments. I gather my things and walk outside of the library. I must have really been into it because it is now dark outside. I start the walk home going down the street. After a while of walking I feel a pair of eyes on me making a chill go down my spine. So I look behind me and see a strange man walking behind me. I start walking faster starting to feel uneasy. I slow down when I think I lost him but suddenly I'm pulled into an alley way. (Ha get it? Alleyway Ally. Ha ha). The man pins me to a wall and threatens me with a knife. I cry out for help hoping anyone will hear but then he covers my mouth with his hand. "Quiet! Be a good girl" he snaps.

The scary situation causes me to start regressing. I squirm trying to get away from him but then I hear the man grunt before releasing his hold on me and he falls to the ground. That's when I see a lady with short brown hair holding a taser in her hand. I look back down at the man and I now have fully slipped and I started sobbing. I didn't notice the woman got close to me until I felt her pick me up bridal style. " Hey it's okay. You're safe now. I've got you" the woman says with her voice sounding like honey. Her voice instantly calms me. She set me down before unlocking her car and reaching into her purse bringing her phone out. "Do you have anyone for me to call" She asks and I just shake my head. I nervously start playing with the hem of my shirt as I feel her eyes on me.

"Not even a friend" She asks softly. "No, I do's nots" I say softly. Great now she's gonna think I'm weird. She let's out a soft sigh before speaking. "Hey how about you come home with me? It's not safe for you to be out here alone. Especially a little one like you" She says warmly making me feel smaller. "O-Otay" I say quietly. She smiles and opens the passenger's side pf the car. I sit down and buckle my seat belt before she shut the car door. After a while of driving we drive up to a fancy looking house. She parks in the front and unbuckles my seat belt. "Let's get you inside" She says softly. When we get inside I hide behind her and hold that lady's hand when I hear someone else.

"Hey Mina. I have a surprise" The lady says to the other person. A redhead all dressed in all purple walks into the room. "What is it " the woman asks before her eye catches mine. I quickly look away. I whine softly feeling shy. "This little angel, I saved from a man in a alleyway" She replies to the other woman. "You poor thing. You must be terrified" Mina say to me and I nod. "So what's you're name little one" Mina asks me sweetly. "Y-Y/N" I say softly. "I'm wilhemina. But to you little cutie it's mina" She says softly. "And I'm Ally" the brow haired lady says. "Hey can you stay here with Mina while I find something for you to wear" Ally asks me and I nod.

Ally leaves the room and Mina sits down on the couch. "Come here sweetness" Mina says softly patting the spot on the couch right next to her. I slowly walk over to the couch and sit down. I feel myself regress to a smaller age and I whine as I paw my hand on her lap. " You wanna sit on my lap" Mina asks me and I simply nod. "Alright come on sweet girl" She says kindly. I climb onto her lap and rest my head on her chest. I feel myself start to fall asleep as Mina strokes my hair.

Ally then comes into the room and sits on the arm rest of the couch. "Hey don't fall asleep yet little one. You still need to get changed" All says softly. Mina goes to get up and I start whinning making her stop. "Come on Y/N let's get you changed" Ally says making me cling to Mina and whine louder. "Here, I'll change her. If that's okay with you angel" Mina says looking at me. Mina replaces my clothes for a long t-shirt, shorts, and light pink knee high socks with three white stripes on the top. I yawn before laying my head back down on Mina's chest. "Ally" I ask softly. "Yes kitten" She asks warmly. "Cans chu be my momma and Mina be my mommy" I ask slowly starting to fall asleep. "Of course we can angel" Ally says softy before I slowly drift to sleep in Mina's arms.

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