Five - 12:00am

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Sam had no idea how much time had passed now. He just knew he'd been in the Daycare for a long time now, the happy song that continued on a loop unable to make him happier. He sniffed sadly, wiping his tears with his sleeve, which was now wet with how much he had already wiped his tears.

He was about to stand up and go find a clock, and maybe return to his friends, but the loud sound of the intercom startled him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for visiting and we hope you enjoyed the show! Freddy and the gang are pretty tired, but they'll be back again next week after a few days of scheduled maintenance! Please make your way to the front of the building where you will be given novelty glasses, a voucher for one free soda refill, and where you will sign a legal disclaimer releasing us of all liability for anything that might have happened during your visit. Have an awesome night, and we'll see you again soon!"

Sam's heart dropped. It was closing time, midnight, and he was still in the Daycare. He now noticed that all the kids that were previously having fun in the Daycare, had now been ushered out of the Daycare by the Daycare attendant.

He panicked, and his first reaction was to hide. So he slowly sank back down into his corner, and curled up in the fetal position, his heart racing. He was incredible terrified of getting caught in here after hours by the attendant, and he was even more scared when he wondered if he'd ever see his parents again.

This had officially been the worst birthday ever.

Sam heard the Daycare attendant skipping around the Daycare, and he tried to huddle furthur into the dark corner. When the footsteps suddenly stopped, it was only then that Sam realized how loud his cries and sniffles had been. But he was too late to silencing them.

"Hello?" Sundrop called through the silence. "Oh, are we still playing hide and seek! I suppose we can play one more round.."

Sam's heart beat faster than it had in his entire life. His breathing was also quite loud, but he couldn't possibly silence that.

"Oh, oh! Are you here?" Sundrop was searching for Sam now, and a terrified whimper escaped Sam's lips accidentally. "Ah ha! I think you might be over here!"

Sam chanced a glance up at the Daycare, and saw Sundrop excitedly searching for him. He debated on revealing himself, but the loud intercom decided that for him, sounding again and making him yelp in suprise.

"Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex is now closed. Initating nighttime protocols."

More tears slide down Sam's face. It was too late. Everyone had left, and he was now stuck inside the Daycare.

"Ah! New friend! I found you!" Sundrop skipped over to Sam, who hide his face from the attendant, and Sundrop knelt down in front of Sam. "Well, hello new friend!"

Sam couldn't help sniffling, and Sundrop's head tilted in slight confusion. "New friend? A-are you alright? Why are you crying?"

Sam slowly looked up at Sundrop, who Sam had never seen look so concerned and sympathetic. He had also never heard the attendant sound so worried, and decided that he could trust Sundrop.

"I-it's my birthday... b-but my friends d-didn't want to hang out with me... a-and that made me really s-sad... so I c-came here and lost track of t-time..." Sam managed to explain through his tears.

Sundrop's face fell, but he sat down in front of Sam, smiling sympathetically.

"Hey, hey, new friend," He said, lifting Sam's chin, and wiping the tears from his cheek. "No more crying! It is your birthday after all, so we have to make it fun!"

Sam smiled slightly, and Sundrop continued, "Well, it looks like we can't get you home tonight, but, you know what that means?" Sam's eyes widened slightly from anticipation. "We can have a birthday slumber party!"

Hiding In The Daycare[Fnaf]✔Where stories live. Discover now