Ten - 4:00am

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In the rest of the Pizzaplex:

Freddy, Chica, Roxy and Monty, stay in their rooms, Freddy recharging, Chica practicing for the next show, Roxy staring in the mirror, and Monty destroying his room like always.

All the S.T.A.F.F bots were working, cleaning up the Pizzaplex, or patrolling with the security guard, Vanessa. DJ Music Man was sleeping like he always did after hours, making sure he could provide the amazing music when the Pizzaplex opened in six hours.

And Sundrop, filled with guilt and worry about his new friend, went around the whole Daycare, searching and hoping his friend hadn't left, and put himself in danger. He asked Vanessa to search for a small boy, who might've left the Daycare and tried to escape the Pizzaplex.

"So... there was a child in here after closing, and you didn't tell me?!" Vanessa asked angrily, after Sundrop had told her everything.

"Y-yes!" Sundrop said with worry and guilt. "He was in the Daycare with me until 2:00 am, but now he's gone and I don't know where he went!"

Vanessa sighed, "Fine. I'll look for him. But if this is a prank, Sun-"

"I-it isn't!" Sundrop said worriedly.

"Whatever, just-" She sighed again. "Just stay in the Daycare while I look."

Vanessa went off to look for the supposed child who was somewhere in the Pizzaplex, and Sundrop went sadly back inside the Daycare.

"H-he was my new friend..." Sundrop huddled down against a wall. "A-and now I don't know w-where he is..." Sundrop felt to sad to continue searching for Sam. "I-it's all my fault if he gets hurt..."

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