4 | august

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Sadly, school started back up. Before I knew it, my junior year had started. Dad dropped me off at school as usual. It was 7 in the morning and he told me that he hoped I had a good first day and that he loved me and that he would see me this afternoon. I said bye and closed the car door. I heard him drive away when I opened the school door. Energy drained from my legs as I walked towards the vending machine. I purchased a honey bun and put it in my book-bag.

My phone vibrated; it was always on silent while I was at school. I knew it couldn't be Jackson because he probably isn't up this early. Instead it was my best friend Cadence.

"where are u?" Cadence was probably just getting dressed and on her way here. Her sister was a senior and she could get a ride.

"@hell's cafeteria." I responded. Cadence said she would be here in 15 minutes, and I responded with an ok. I'm glad this was a new year, it was a fresh start and completing assignments would be easy. Starting next year, so all I had to do was go to conditioning and finish my homework during class or when I got home. I had to register my car for a parking space too. I had the money and the registration form already, and I wanted to get a good one that was close to the campus exit. I snapchatted Jackson saying good morning, sending a picture with the common peace sign. A few minutes later he replied with a 10 second picture. He was laying in bed, some of his chest exposing a tattoo and a nipple, some covered by bed sheets.

"Who is that fine piece of ass?" I turned to see Cadence standing, still looking at the picture. It was in a black and white filter, then it disappeared.

"Just a junior who goes to Southern." I had to lie to her, otherwise she would ask all types of questions about Jackson and I. I'm glad she couldn't see his eye tattoo.

Candace was my only true friend, and she was so funny and cute. She had a 90's style, and sometimes she went all out with it. She ranted about this guy she was crushing on in our grade, and how they had snapchatted all summer. His name was Robert, and she even saw him at Publix one time. I wanted to go to my locker to sit, and there she could tell me what else happened with him. I was very interested actually; she had progressed a long way since he came in the middle of sophomore year. She tried to turn the conversation over to me, but I said I went to the bookstore everyday. She confronted me in my outfit, which was just black ripped skinny jeans, black J. Cole t-shirt, and some platform boots. She made me swear to wear shorts later on in the week.

The bell for first block rang, and I prepared for the slow day of my electives. It was the first day, needless to say the first week, so not much would be asked of us. I walked to my class with Cadence, then she left to go to her own. The late bell rang and I was intentionally late to class since they were always lenient on tarsiers on the first week. I walked in and sat down near the back, away from everyone else. The teacher stood up and I altered between snap chatting Jackson and reading An Abundace of Katherines by John Green. First block was unproductive; an introduction received and a syllabus to be signed.

"You woke me up." I laughed and apologized. In he picture, his eyes rolled back into his head. I did the same, trying not to strain my eyes.

An hour passed, and other people were goofing off, few actually focused and paid attention. My teacher said the assignment for today was a mere PowerPoint about ourselves and what we hoped to do in the class. My teacher said the assignment was due by the end of class, and I'd already finished. We had a few minutes of class left, and I was busy texting Jackson.

"you already finished?" I told him about my assignment.

"it was pretty simple."

"damn babygirl." I could imagine him laughing. I blushed thinking about it at the most convenient times. I secretly loved it, especially since he was attractive.

I told him that I felt like skipping, and he said that he'd brought out the wild side in me. I scoffed, I've been had a wild side.

"oh really?" He seemed unconvinced.

"yeah. i might just skip."

I really wasn't. I had never skipped class before. Last year, I even won a iTunes gift card for perfect attendance. But I wasn't telling him that.

"you're not skipping." With that he put the straight face emoji.

"you don't know that." The bell rang and I walked out of class, headed to my next one.

"yes i do. you're too innocent to skip."

I really am not innocent. He's making me frustrated.


"you're still as innocent as the day you sat and snook glances at me." I sighed and reminisced to that day months ago.

I told Jackson to go to class, and I put my phone in my pocket.

picture of Cadence provided

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